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What Is a Sensory Swing?

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A sensory swing is a special swing that helps people with sensory challenges feel calm and improve balance. It’s often used for therapy in conditions like autism and ADHD.

Frequently Asked Question


How does a sensory swing work?

A sensory swing works by providing deep pressure and proprioceptive input to the body through its swinging motion. It can also help improve balance, coordination, and body awareness.

Who can benefit from a sensory swing?

Anyone can benefit from using a sensory swing, but they are especially helpful for individuals with sensory processing difficulties, including those with autism, ADHD, or other conditions that affect sensory processing.

Where can I find a sensory swing?

Sensory swings can be found online or in specialty stores that sell therapeutic equipment. They may also be available through occupational therapists, physical therapists, or other healthcare professionals.

Scientific Definition


A sensory swing is a type of swing that provides sensory input to the body. It is designed to help people regulate their sensory system, which includes how they see, hear, touch, taste, and smells things in their environment. Sensory swings are typically made of a stretchy fabric that provides a cocoon-like feeling when sitting in them. The swinging motion of the sensory swing provides deep pressure to the body, which can be calming and soothing for some people. It can also help improve balance, coordination, and body awareness.  They can help children with ADHD and autism find the sensory input they need for regulation and engagement. When choosing a sensory swing, you can consider the type of swing, weight capacity, size, materials and durability, and safety features.

Video Explanation


Real World Example of a Sensory Swing

Susie is a bright 6-year-old with autism. She often feels overwhelmed by sensory information, making focus difficult.

  • One day, Susie’s therapist introduced a sensory swing in their session.
  • Cocooned inside this snug space, Susie felt the gentle pressure, like a comforting hug.
  • Over time, she started using the swing when she felt agitated. The consistent rocking motion helped calm her senses, reducing hyperactivity.
  • Susie’s parents also noticed improvements in her balance and coordination.
  • Now, the sensory swing is part of Susie’s daily routine, a refuge where she can regain control over her sensory experiences.

Through the use of sensory swings, children like Susie find a unique way to manage sensory overload and interact with their environment more comfortably.

How Does a Sensory Swing Work

Sensory swings are therapeutic tools for children with sensory processing disorders, providing a comforting, secure environment.

  • Provide deep pressure touch stimulation for calmness and reduced anxiety.
  • Improve balance and coordination.
  • Come in varied styles for different needs: cocoon-style for comfort, platform swings for balance.
  • Used in occupational therapy to help sensory integration.
  • Help children with autism self-regulate, reducing hyperactivity and increasing focus.
  • Can be utilized at home, in schools, or therapeutic clinics.

Sensory swings are key for children with sensory issues, aiding self-regulation, motor skills improvement, and providing a comforting space.


This post was originally published on Feb. 15, 2023. It was updated on Jan. 22, 2024.