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Sensory Activities for Kids: How to Make a Turkey Handprint

thanksgiving crafts. a girl is painting her hand for a craft.

Thanksgiving is just around the corner! Looking to entertain your kiddos over break and decorate your home with some of their artwork? We’ve got kids thanksgiving crafts below in our guide to creating the best turkey handprint. Keep reading to learn how to make a handprint turkey craft with your family!

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Turkey handprint crafts are a fun way to spend time with your kids but they also make for great keepsakes. Make a turkey handprint every thanksgiving to include in your memory book and watch their hands grow over the years! They’re also perfect if you want to make a personalized gift for grandparents. 

Sensory Finger Painting for Kids with Autism

Many children with autism have difficulty processing sensory information. Kids encounter tons of different sensory information when making arts and crafts. It’s a great activity for them to be exposed to sensory stimuli in a safe, and fun environment. In fact, for kids with autism, creating art can be a comforting, and self-soothing experience.

That’s why we made our handprint craft using Goally’s visual schedule app! Our visual scheduler uses videos, pictures, and instructions to break down tasks into bite-sized pieces. So that unique thinkers, like kids with autism and ADHD, understand and remember the specific steps required to complete a task. Take a look at our step-by-step turkey handprint visual routine!

Get Creative with Thanksgiving Crafts: Handprint Turkey Fun!

Looking for a fun and easy Thanksgiving craft? Handprint turkey crafts are a fantastic choice that will keep your children engaged and excited. With just a few supplies, you can embark on a creative adventure with your little ones. Before you dive in, here are some quick tips to ensure turkey craftin’ success:

  • Prepare Your Paints: Have each paint color ready to go before starting. This way, you can quickly move from one color to another without the paint drying on your child’s hand.
  • Use a Handy Holder: Keep your workspace clean by using a paper plate or napkin to hold each paintbrush when you’re not using it. This helps prevent any unwanted messes.
  • Keep Those Hands Clean: Have paper towels ready to wipe off your child’s hands after each color. This way, you can avoid any paint drips on the floor when they go to wash their hands.
Read More: 5 Confidence Building Activities

Now, let’s get started with the good stuff! Get ready to make adorable handprint turkey crafts that will be cherished for years to come. It’s a wonderful way to spend quality time together and create cherished memories. Enjoy the craftin’ fun!

Steps to Make a Sensory Turkey Handprint Craft

Time needed: 20 minutes

For this project, you’ll need construction paper, paintbrushes, paint, googly eyes, glue, and colored pencils!

  1. Grab your supplies.

    Gather up your paper, paintbrushes, googly eyes, glue, and colored pencils! Then, grab some yellow, brown, green, red, and orange paints.

  2. Paint the turkey’s body & head

    Grab your brown paint and let your child paint the palm of their hand for the body and their thumb for the head!

  3. Paint the turkey’s feathers.

    Next, have your kiddo paint their pointer finger green, middle finger yellow, ring finger red, and pinky finger orange.

  4. Smoosh the paint into the paper.

    Have your child spread their fingers and press their hand into the paper. If some of the paint dries on your kid’s hand too quickly, simply touch it up on the paper.

  5. Let the paint dry.

    Once your kid has created the body of the turkey handprint, let it dry for 5-7 minutes before moving on to the finishing touches.

  6. Add the turkey’s eyes.

    Grab the glue or tape and your googly eyes. Stick one googly eye on the thumb part of the turkey handprint. If you used glue, let it dry.

  7. Add the final touches.

    Grab your colored pencils and draw a beak, a gobbler, and two feet! Or let your kiddo try it out themselves!

Goally | Apps To Support Child Development

Looking for fun ways to help your child learn life skills? Try Goally! Our skill-building tablet helps kids develop the skills they need to become independent with FUN & evidence-based practices. You can use our visual schedules to structure your child’s routines or teach them new skills!

A hand holding Goally's dedicated skill building tablet. The tablet is displaying the home screen with all of Goally's apps on it, including routines, AAC, the weather, Rewards, etc.

Our tablet teaches executive function, language, emotional regulation, finger dexterity skills, and more! As your child develops new skills, you can increase the difficulty level of the tasks in the tablet’s apps to challenge and motivate them even further. This helps your child grow and progress at their own pace, while also keeping them engaged and excited about their development.

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Enjoy Your Sensory Handprint Turkey Craft!

There you have it, a handprint thanksgiving crafts that’s sensory-friendly for your unique-thinking kiddos. Hang that cute thanksgiving craft on the fridge for all to see! If your kid thrives on routines, try Goally’s visual schedule app! Not ready for the full Goally experience? Try our visual schedule template builder for free by downloading it from the app store. Until then, happy crafting!

This post was originally posted on 11/22/2022. It was updated on 05/30/2023.

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We help parents teach their kids life skills, like doing bedtime and morning independently. Backed by science, we incorporate evidence-based practices and expert-informed designs in all of our apps and content.