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What If You Said Something Once & Then Your Kid... Just Did It?

We make executive functioning apps that help with executive function skills. Get the apps + device!

Manage Routines That Support Executive Functioning Skills for Kids
From Goally’s App on Your Phone

Add as many steps as your kiddo needs

Goally Has a Dedicated Device for Your Kids

Goally shows and tells your kids what to do

Researched by Moms...
and Scientists!

In a University study, parents using
Goally reported amazing results.

69% Reported
fewer meltdowns

86% Reported
fewer arguments

88% Reported
less stress

Be a Mom. Not a Manager.

See how Goally helps with distractions, transitions, and routines for kids with executive functioning disorder.

Customize Routines that Support Independence
in the Goally Parent Portal

We’ll help you add pictures, videos,
and a timer.

You can schedule everything so it happens consistently

Goally helps your kids so you don’t have to nag.

Executive Functioning Skills for Kids Are Supported By Goally's Clock

Goally is a sound machine and alarm

If your kid gets up too early we tell
them to GO BACK TO BED!!!

No extra reminding– kids have visual timers, prompting, and even earn rewards when they complete routines!

Upgrade Your Printable
Visual Schedules, Routines, & Charts

Make changes to routines on the fly, have Goally verbalize steps for you,
and adjust in real time as your kiddo gains new skills.

Parents Love Goally

"Almost immediately, my kid started following the routines. It was like magic. I didn't need to tell him what to do.” —Michelle P

“For the third night in a row, our son has gone to bed WITHOUT me having to lay down with him.” —Caitlyn R

“My son used to get so frustrated during transitions. There are a lot fewer tears in our house now." —Lauren S

"My son thrives on routine but my husband and I are separated so it's really hard to give him that consistency. Goally has made it so much easier for us." —Melanie W

“We had been trying toilet training for 6 months. Then we got a Goally and made more progress in 2 days than the entire prior 6 months." —Jamie S

FAQ's About Goally's Executive Functioning Apps for Kids

Goally devices have no app store, web browser, etc. to distract kids. You as the parent also have the ability to turn off any app that your kiddo might stim on.

Goally routines have timers that help kids focus, we also have a auditory reminder when kids have half the time left in an activity.

We encourage you to use Goally’s built in token board system to reward kids when they stay on task and follow the steps in a routine.

Practice makes perfect! The more times your kiddo does a routine, the better they’ll get at it. Just think: it took you years to master your own bedtime routine, and sometimes you might still forget to floss.

Goally has a built in reward system, so the faster your kiddo gets at their routines, the more points you can reward them. Once you feel like they know the routine really well, you can convert it to a checklist in Goally. Goally will still remind your kiddo and give them a timer, but only for the whole checklist, not each activity.

You kiddo can keep growing with Goally as they master that checklist and you can turn it into a reminder. The options really are endless!

Kids love screens - so why not use them to help? Goally devices have no app store, web browser, etc. to distract kids. You as the parent also have the ability to turn off any app that your kiddo might stim on.

Many of our parents find a lot of success in using Goally’s built in token board system to reward kids with entertaining screen time.

Yup! You can make as many routines and schedules as you want. You can schedule them to go off at any time of day on any day of the week, or to start manually.

How Fast can Goally Help Your Kiddo With Executive Functioning Skills?

Create custom routines, visual guides, and
token boards for your learner in minutes.

Day 1: Order now and Get Goally in less than a week!

Day 5-7: Implementation call with a Goally Coach.

Day 7: Start using your routines with Goally!

Day 8-10: Refine your routine! One size does not fit all :)

Day 11-14: See major progress and create more routines!