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What are Present Communication Levels?

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Present communication levels describe the various ways individuals with special needs communicate, including speech, gestures, signs, and assistive technology. Recognizing and supporting these unique styles is key to creating an inclusive environment that fosters meaningful interactions.

Frequently Asked Question


Will my child's present communication level always remain the same?

Present communication levels can evolve and change over time. With appropriate support, interventions, and therapy, children can make progress and develop new communication skills.

Can siblings and peers play a role in supporting a child's present communication level?

Absolutely! Siblings and peers can play a vital role by fostering inclusive and supportive interactions, using visual supports and gestures, practicing turn-taking, engaging in joint activities, and promoting communication through play and socialization.

Are there any resources or assistive technology available to support present communication levels?

Yes, there are various resources and assistive technologies available, such as augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) systems, communication boards, speech-generating devices, and mobile apps designed for communication support. These tools can enhance present communication levels and facilitate effective expression.

How can we identify an individual's present communication level?

Identifying an individual’s level often involves observing their preferred methods of expression, such as gestures or use of assistive devices, and may require professional assessment for accurate understanding.

Scientific Definition


Present Communication Levels refer to the ways people with special needs talk and express themselves. This includes normal talking, using hand gestures, sign language, showing pictures, and using tools like communication devices. It’s really important to understand these different ways of talking because it helps us support them better. By paying attention to both the words they say and the actions they use, we make everyone feel included and understood. This kind of attention helps everyone communicate better and connect with others, creating a friendly and supportive place for everyone.

Real World Example of Present Communication Levels

Susie, a bright and determined seven-year-old with special needs, inspires us to understand the impact of communication on her daily life. Despite her difficulty with spoken language, Susie longs to connect with others. Here’s how we can support her unique communication abilities:

  • Communication Methods: Susie uses gestures, facial expressions, and pointing to express her thoughts, needs, and preferences.
  • Inclusive Home Environment: Susie’s parents foster communication by using visual schedules, labels, and a communication board with pictures of everyday activities and choices.
  • Speech-Language Pathologist: Collaborating with a professional, Susie’s parents explore a speech-generating device that matches her abilities and interests.
  • Storytime Delight: Susie selects books using her speech-generating device, eagerly sharing her reactions through pre-programmed phrases.
  • Nonverbal Cues: Susie’s parents understand her cues, responding with validation and enthusiasm, creating an environment where she feels understood.
  • Social Skills Group: Susie participates in a group where she interacts with peers using both verbal and nonverbal communication, practicing in real-life situations.
  • Celebrating Milestones: Susie’s progress is marked by milestones like using more complex gestures, initiating interactions, and expanding her vocabulary with the speech-generating device.

Embracing and nurturing Susie’s present communication levels, supporting her with inclusive environments and assistive technology, allows her to thrive and engage meaningfully with the world.

How Do Present Communication Levels Work?

Understanding your child’s present communication levels is crucial for parents of children with special needs. Here are key points to support your child’s communication development:

  • Individualized Approach: Recognize and respect your child’s unique strengths, preferences, and challenges.
  • Multimodal Communication: Present communication levels encompass spoken language, gestures, signs, visual aids, and assistive technology.
  • Nonverbal Cues: Observe and interpret your child’s facial expressions, body language, and other nonverbal cues to understand their thoughts, emotions, and needs.
  • Responsive Listening: Pay close attention to verbal and nonverbal cues, validate their communication attempts, and respond appropriately.
  • Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC): Explore AAC systems like communication boards, speech-generating devices, or specialized apps to enhance their communication.
  • Collaboration with Professionals: Work with speech-language pathologists and occupational therapists for guidance and tailored interventions.
  • Environmental Adaptations: Create a communication-friendly environment by reducing distractions, using visual supports, and incorporating communication opportunities into daily activities.

By understanding and implementing these strategies, you can promote your child’s communication skills, enhance their social interactions, and nurture their overall development.


This post was originally published on May 22, 2023. It was updated on Jan. 19, 2024.