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How To Create an Autism Daily Routine

Creating a consistent daily routine for autistic children can greatly enhance their sense of stability, reduce anxiety, and promote positive behaviors. Here’s how you can design effective daily activities to support your child’s unique needs.

Key Takeaways:

  • Daily routines provide structure, reducing anxiety and promoting predictability for autistic children.
  • Consistent schedules enhance transitions and time management skills.
  • Incorporating positive reinforcement and progress tracking keeps routines engaging.
  • The C.A.L.M. approach (Create, Alert, Like, Maintain) helps parents establish and stick to routines.

How can you create an autism daily routine? Creating a predictable daily routine is essential for autistic children because it offers them stability and a sense of control. Start by listing essential tasks, designating times, using alerts, and positively reinforcing efforts. Over time, maintain consistency and introduce small, manageable changes to build flexibility.

Daily Activities for Autistic Children: Creating Structure and Predictability

Autism includes a variety of experiences, but people on the spectrum often face similar challenges. A daily schedule can help address these issues. Many kids with autism do well with routines, and a structured schedule gives them a sense of order and stability. It can reduce anxiety by making events more predictable and helping them feel safer, even in uncertain situations.

Read More: Video Modeling App for Neurdivergent Kids

The Importance of a Structured Autism Daily Routine

An organized daily routine can offer numerous benefits for children with autism. Here’s why it is crucial:

  • Promotes Predictability: A consistent daily routine provides a clear outline of what activities and events will occur, reducing uncertainty and helping children anticipate what to expect.
  • Establishes Structure and Routine: Kids with autism often thrive in structured environments. A daily routine offers a predictable sequence of activities, fostering a sense of stability and familiarity.
  • Enhances Transitions: Transitioning between activities can be challenging for kids with autism. A well-structured routine aids in easing transitions by providing a clear order and expectations.
  • Supports Time Management Skills: Following a routine helps children understand the concept of time and develop essential time management skills, allowing them to complete tasks more effectively.
  • Reduces Anxiety: By making the day’s events more predictable, a daily routine helps minimize anxiety and provides a sense of control, ultimately promoting emotional well-being.

How To Create Daily Routines for Kids With Autism: Stay C.A.L.M.:

No one wants to be a taskmaster. But it’s very easy to fall into that role when trying to get a child to do anything, let alone something as monotonous as brushing teeth. Heck, a lot of responsible adults don’t even brush their teeth twice a day. So getting a kid to do the same is no small feat. Taking on that burden day in and day out is stressful. But not all of it has to be. Here’s a 4-step guide to creating daily routines with your child, that begins and ends with C.A.L.M. This strategy is especially effective for autism routines.

1. Create

Having a routine is crucial, but you need to create one first. List all the tasks you want your child to do and make a schedule. Set specific times for each task and decide how long they should take. To make it more fun, add drawings or photos of your child doing each task. There are also electronic devices that help manage routines. Use this chance to bond with your child, so have fun and get creative together.

2. Alert

Creating an autism daily routine is one thing, but sticking to it is another. Stay on schedule with alerts, no matter how busy things get. Set alerts on your phone for each task that both you and your child recognize. Use a timer for tasks like brushing teeth to ensure it’s done for the full two minutes. Alerts can make the routine more fun by using different tones or sounds for each task. Over time, your child may start doing tasks on their own when they hear the reminder.

3. Like

A little positive reinforcement can go a long way. Ensure your child knows you appreciate what they’re doing every step of the way. Incorporate this into your visual schedule. Just like liking a Facebook post, you can like, star, thumbs up, check off, or positively indicate that a task is completed and done well. Communication plays a key role in setting routines, especially at the beginning. Refer to the schedule during the routine and discuss each task with your child as they do it.

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4. Maintain

Maintaining a daily routine will be challenging at first, but it gets easier over time. Stay consistent and follow the tasks in order as much as possible. Once the routine is set, you can add new elements or phase out parts, like alerts. Small changes can help children adapt to variations.

Autism daily routine this image shows a happy child with her mother
Read More: Daily Schedule for Autistic Child and Tracking Process

Example of Daily Schedule for Autistic Child

While each child’s daily schedule is unique, a basic framework is universal. Routines may change throughout the year based on school attendance, but it’s crucial to establish a daily schedule to form an effective autism routine. Here is an example of a daily schedule for a child with autism who isn’t in school yet:

7:00 AMWake Up
7:15 AMBrush Teeth
7:20 AMGet Dressed
8:00 AM Eat Breakfast
8:30 AMGo to School
9:00 – 11:30 AM School Activities*
11:30 AMTherapy
12:00 PM Have Lunch
1:00 – 3:30 PMSchool Activities*
3:30 PMPack Backpack
4:00 PMWait for Mom
4:10 PMGo Home
5:00 PMEat Dinner
6:00 PMScreen Time
7:00 PMStart Bedtime Routine*
7:15 PMBath Time
7:45 PMBrush Teeth
8:00 PMGo to Bed
*assisted by Goally’s visual schedule app.

You can create routines like this for your kiddos in the Goally Visual Schedule App! If you’re not ready to go digital, we also have downloadable chore charts you can check out by filling out the form below!

Tracking the Progress of Your Routines

Understanding a child’s progress is crucial. Daily routines simplify tracking. Each routine activity is a goal with several micro-goals. One goal follows another. This tiered tracking helps parents stay organized and easily identify areas needing attention. It also gives children positive reinforcement and makes the routine more engaging.

This concept of gamification is particularly useful. While not much really changes with the routine itself day-to-day, the achievements do. They are a clear sign of progression and can encourage children to engage. So in that sense a daily routine or activity can be treated as a game that parents and their children play together. When you look at it like that it doesn’t seem so monotonous after all.

Creating Daily Activities and Routines for Autistic Children: Enhancing Structure and Engagement

When setting up daily routines for autistic children, visual schedules are essential. They make routines fun and interactive, and they provide a structured plan, like a game. Visual schedules use pictures, symbols, and photos to show tasks and activities, making them great for young children who can’t read yet and older kids who learn visually.

For families facing the unique challenges of autism, visual schedules are especially valuable. They enhance the structure, promote independence, and reduce anxiety by providing a clear visual representation of the daily routine.

The Importance of Visual Schedules for Autistic Children

By incorporating visual schedules into your child’s daily routine, you can experience several benefits:

  • Enhanced Communication: Visual schedules serve as a visual language that helps children understand and follow daily activities with greater ease.
  • Promoted Predictability: Having a visual representation of the routine provides a sense of predictability, reducing anxiety and meltdowns by ensuring children know what to expect.
  • Increased Independence: Visual schedules empower children to navigate their routines independently, promoting self-confidence and self-reliance.
  • Improved Transitions: Visual cues aid in transitioning from one activity to another, easing the challenges often associated with transitioning for autistic children.
  • Facilitated Focus and Engagement: By providing clear expectations, visual schedules help children stay focused and engaged throughout their daily activities.
Blue Goally device displaying an activity screen from a digital visual schedule. The activity is titled "Brush your teeth" in the top left with an audio cue next to it. Below the title of the activity is a picture of man modeling how to brush teeth. In the middle of the screen there is a numeric timer counting down from 4 minutes and currently on 3:55. To the right of that is a large visual timer for kids with autism and ADHD also counting down. In the top left there is a cancel button represented as a red "x", and at the middle bottom of the screen there are skip, pause and complete buttons. Finally, at the very bottom of the screen there is a progress bar represented in blue and white.

Types of Visual Schedules

Visual schedules come in various forms to suit different needs and preferences. Here some examples:

  • Physical Schedules: Wall-mounted boards, planners, or paper-based schedules that can be easily displayed and referred to.
  • Digital Schedules: Apps or online tools that allow you to make and customize visual schedules on tablets or smartphones for easy accessibility.
  • Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS): A system that uses pictures or symbols on cards to represent activities and promote communication.
  • Task Boxes: Containers or bins with visual cues and materials for specific activities, helping children understand the sequence of tasks.

Choosing the right type of visual schedule depends on your child’s preferences and needs. Experiment with all the different options to find the one that works best for your family.

They are essentially all-in-one tools that help to:

  • Keep track of tasks by checking off completed items
  • Send notifications of tasks by alarms, sound, and vibration
  • Provide visual countdown timers
  • Provide spoken texts for people who have difficulty with reading
  • Help keep focus on the task at hand

Goally | Visual Scheduler for Autism

Does your child struggle with getting ready in the morning independently? Goally’s routine app on the best tablet for kids breaks down large tasks into small, achievable steps for autistic kids. Create custom routines with your own videos & pictures for every step.

These modern visual schedulers help autistic children understand what’s coming next in their daily routine, process any schedule changes without distress, and manage transitions easily, in a game-like setting that is both captivating and comforting.


FAQs About Autism Daily Routine

What is the importance of having a daily routine for children with autism?
Having a daily routine helps children with autism feel a sense of structure and predictability, which can reduce stress and anxiety. It also helps them develop better time-management skills and fosters independence.
How can I create a daily routine for my child with autism?
It's important to create a routine that works for your child's specific needs and preferences. Start by establishing a regular wake-up time and bedtime, and then plan out the day with activities and tasks that your child enjoys and benefits from. Consider visual aids and schedules to help your child understand the routine.
What are some common challenges in establishing a daily routine for children with autism?
Children with autism may struggle with transitions and changes to their routine. They may also have difficulty with sensory issues, such as loud noises or unfamiliar textures. It's important to be patient and flexible, and to work with your child's unique needs and strengths.
How can I make my child's daily routine more engaging and motivating?
Incorporating your child's interests and hobbies into the routine can make it more engaging and motivating. You can also try using positive reinforcement, such as rewards or praise, to encourage your child to complete tasks and activities.
What are some tips for sticking to a daily routine for children with autism?
Consistency is key when it comes to a daily routine for children with autism. Try to stick to the same schedule every day, and be prepared to make adjustments as needed. You can also involve your child in planning and organizing the routine to help them feel more invested in it.

This post was originally published on 12/28/2020. It was updated on 09/12/2024.

Article by
Hennah, one of Goally's blog writers.

Hennah is an experienced writer and researcher, helping children with autism, ADHD, and other neurodivergent conditions. As a blog contributor for Goally, she combines her deep understanding of neurodiversity with practical advice, offering valuable insights to parents and educators.

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