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What Is Intellectual Disability?

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Intellectual disability is a condition that makes it difficult for a person to learn, think, and solve problems. It can cause challenges in school and making friends, but with the right support and help, these individuals can still lead fulfilling lives.

Frequently Asked Question


How is Intellectual Disability diagnosed?

Intellectual disability is diagnosed through a comprehensive evaluation that includes a medical history, cognitive and developmental assessments, and educational and behavioral evaluations.

How is Intellectual Disability treated?

Intellectual disability is not curable, but early intervention, special education, and therapy can help individuals with intellectual disabilities reach their full potential and lead fulfilling lives.

How does Intellectual Disability impact daily life?

Intellectual disability can impact daily life by causing challenges with independent living, communication, and academic achievement. Individuals with intellectual disability may require support and accommodations to meet their needs and achieve their goals.

Scientific Definition


Intellectual disability refers to difficulties in learning, thinking, and problem-solving, which can hinder a person’s ability to perform tasks that come easily to their peers. Children with intellectual disabilities may struggle with reading, writing, and math, as well as comprehending new concepts and retaining information. Consequently, they may face challenges in school and socializing with others. However, with appropriate support, these children can overcome obstacles and thrive. Specialized classes and guidance from trained teachers or therapists can provide the necessary assistance for their learning and development. By receiving the right support, children with intellectual disabilities can lead fulfilling and successful lives.

Treatment for Intellectual Disability

Treatment for intellectual disability involves a combination of strategies and support to address the symptoms effectively. Consider the following approaches:

  • Specialized education: Enroll your child in specialized classes that cater to their unique learning needs, focusing on individualized instruction and adaptive techniques.
  • Therapy and interventions: Seek guidance from therapists trained to work with intellectual disabilities. Occupational therapy, speech therapy, and behavioral interventions can enhance various skills.
  • Supportive services: Access community resources and support programs that provide additional assistance for your child’s development and well-being.
  • Structured routines: Establish consistent daily routines and visual schedules to help your child understand expectations and navigate daily activities more independently.
  • Encourage social interactions: Facilitate social opportunities, such as playdates and group activities, to promote social skills development and foster friendships.

With the right support and interventions, individuals with intellectual disabilities can make significant progress in their cognitive abilities, adaptive skills, and overall well-being. They can lead fulfilling lives, achieve personal milestones, and actively participate in their communities.


Editor’s note: This information is not meant to diagnose or treat and should not take the place of personal consultation, as needed, with a qualified healthcare provider and/or BCBA.

Symptoms of Intellectual Disability

Intellectual disability manifests through various symptoms that affect a person’s learning and cognitive abilities. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  • Learning difficulties: Children with intellectual disabilities may struggle with reading, writing, and math.
  • Cognitive challenges: They may have trouble comprehending new ideas and remembering information.
  • Slow developmental milestones: Intellectual disability can delay a child’s milestones, such as speaking, walking, and social skills.
  • Difficulty problem-solving: Problem-solving skills may be impaired, making it challenging to find solutions independently.
  • Social and emotional challenges: Children with intellectual disabilities might face difficulties in making friends and understanding social cues.
  • Specialized support: Seek assistance from teachers or therapists trained to work with children with special needs.

Understanding these symptoms can help parents and caregivers identify areas where their child may require additional support. Goally, our tablet product, aids kids with intellectual disabilities by offering fun apps for digital visual schedules, AAC, gamified learning, emotional regulation, executive functioning skills, and social skills training videos.


This post was originally published on Feb. 10, 2023. It was updated on July 8, 2023.