Give Kids Words with Goally's AAC Talker App
Help your kiddo understand and interact with the world better with structure, visual supports, and an AAC talker. Word Lab, Goally's gamified language & AAC learning app is included.
Goally talks out loud and gives kids more opportunities to imitate words.
You can add new words and model where to find them from the Goally parent app.
Goally has a dedicated device for your kids so
they always feel empowered to communicate.
60% of families fail to adopt AAC because... it's hard to learn.
You don’t have to guess how to teach kids where to find words or what they mean. Goally's Word Lab game makes it simple and fun.
Kids can ask for things they want using
pictures you set up on the app.
Let Goally be your parent assistant. We’ll help your kiddo through the big and small
stuff with visual schedules, an AAC talker, a built-in token board system,
and custom picture/video modeling.
Easy to use picture communication and parent modeling.
Teach kids language with interactive practice.
No more paper! We make digital visual aids easy.
We help kids understand time with a simple visual.
Researched by Moms...
and Scientists!
In a Univeristy study, parents using
Goally reported amazing results.
fewer meltdowns
fewer arguments
less stress
Stop Nagging.
(for 80 cents/day)
Our tools support parents of kids with special needs by eliminating the need to
nag. Enjoy your time with your kids; let Goally do the rest.
Kids who do well with visual schedules and supports love Goally.
Helps kids follow
directions with bite-
sized pieces.
Motivate kids to make
progress with built-in
Timers and audio reminders make transitions easy.