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a Goally Publication



Social Skills Videos for Kids

Imagine this – you’re at the bustling grocery store with your 7-year-old. Suddenly, your little one dashes off towards the towering candy aisle, knocking down a meticulously arranged pyramid of canned beans along the way. You wince and think, “Where do I even begin to teach my child about manners and respect?” Wouldn’t life be simpler if there was a cue for helping kids understand these intricate social concepts in an engaging way? Enter: Social skills videos for kids, your soon-to-be favorite parenting hack. In this blog, we will be outlining exactly why these videos are making waves among parents and educators, as well as giving you an insightful sneak peek into Goally’s rich library of interactive videos. From pool safety to explaining how to pass gas politely, we’ve got it all covered. 

1. How to Get Ready for the Pool

Step NumberTask
1Check the Weather
2Swim Suit Ready
3Packing 101
4The Art of Sunscreen Application
  • Step 1: Check the Weather: Beyond just considering the sun or rain, preparing your kids ensures a fun, safe time. Decide on the Desired Time to Go to the Pool Teach your kids to consider when they’d like to swim. Early morning? Late afternoon? It’s a good lesson in planning.
  • Step 2: Swimsuit Ready: Turning the simple act of dressing into a lesson of independence. Let them select their swimwear. It teaches them decision-making and ensures they’re comfortable with their choice.
  • Step 3: Packing: Packing isn’t just tossing things in a bag. It’s an organizational skill! With your guidance, let them decide what they’d like to bring. Towel, snacks, toys – but remind them, less is often more.

Check out our blog all about how to get ready for the pool.

2. Teach Kids How to Ask for Help

1Recognizing When to Ask For Help
2Who Should We Ask?
3What To Do While Waiting?
  • Step 1: Recognizing When to Ask For Help: To start, let’s focus on honing your child’s skills in identifying when they need help. Employ games like “Is this easy or hard?” to practice the discernment of tasks. Defaulting to asking for help isn’t beneficial either. The aim is to promote a balance between seeking assistance and attempting tasks independently.
  • Step 2: Who Should We Ask?: Identifying the right person to ask for help is equally important. For instance, asking a peer to open the juice box or requesting a teacher’s assistance with a tough maths problem is acceptable. But, turning to a stranger may not always be the best choice.
  • Step 3: What To Do While Waiting?: Teach kids that asking for help doesn’t mean halting all activity. They should engage productively while waiting. Maybe that means taking a step back and reassessing their strategy, or perhaps it means moving on to another task and circling back later.

Be sure to check out our blog explaining more on how to teach kids how to ask for help!

3. How to Get Ready for School

Step 1Dress Appropriately
Step 2Pack Your Backpack
Step 3Eat Breakfast
Step 4Pack Your Lunch
Step 5Double Check
  • Step 1: Dress Appropriately: Firstly, let’s tackle the wardrobe. Teaching your kids to dress appropriately for school is vital to their morning routine. It’s not just about looking good; it’s about feeling comfortable and prepared for the day ahead. 
  • Step 2: Pack Your Backpack: Next, let’s talk about backpacks.It’s amazing how ‘game-changing’ this act of organizing can be for your child’s regular routine. 
  • Step 3: Eat Breakfast: Breakfast is the day’s most important meal, especially for growing kids. It fuels their bodies and minds for the day ahead. 
  • Step 4: Pack Your Lunch: Packing a lunch is another essential skill that promotes independence and healthy eating habits. 
  • Step 5: Double Check: Finally, teach your kids to double-check everything before they leave for school. This step can save a lot of stress and last-minute scrambling. 

For a more in depth explanation on how to get ready for school, be sure to check out our blog.

4. Pool Safety for Kids

Step 1Understanding Pool Safety Rules
Step 2The Importance of Adults
Step 3The Importance of Pool Accessories
  • Step 1: Understanding Pool Safety Rules: Firstly, it’s essential to establish a set of pool safety rules with your kids. These rules should be clear, concise, and easy for them to remember. For instance, no running around the pool, always swim with a buddy, and never dive into shallow water. These rules are not just for fun; they’re lifesavers.
  • Step 2: The Importance of Adults: Adult supervision is a non-negotiable aspect of pool safety. However, it’s also crucial to teach your kids that an adult must always be present when they’re in or around the pool. Accidents can happen even if they’re confident swimmers and an adult’s presence can make all the difference.
  • Step 3: The Importance of Pool Accessories: Pool accessories like life jackets, pool noodles, and floaties can be fun but also important safety tools. Teach your kids that these aren’t just toys but equipment designed to keep them safe in the water. For example, a life jacket can help them stay afloat if they get tired, and pool noodles can provide support while learning to swim.

For more details about pool safety, check out our blog.

5. How to Pass Gas Politely

1Understanding the Urge
2Scouting Safe Zones
3Verbal Etiquette
  • Step 1: Understanding the Urge: Every person feels that little bubble making its way up or down. But, for instance, kids may only sometimes know what’s coming. The first thing is to make them understand the sensation. Talk to them about recognizing when they feel like passing gas. That is to say, the feeling is natural, but what they do following matters most.
  • Step 2: Scouting Safe Zones: If your kid needs to pass gas in a public place, teach them to find a more secluded spot. For example, it could be a quiet corner or even stepping outside momentarily. After that, remind them that it’s not about embarrassment but courtesy to others.
  • Step 3: Verbal Etiquette: Let’s face it: even with the best intentions, sometimes a toot will slip out in public. When that happens, kids need to know how to handle the situation. Teach them the magic of the phrase “excuse me.” Likewise, it’s a simple, universally accepted way to acknowledge and move on from the moment.

Check out our blog for more tips to teach your kid how to pass gas politely.

Goally | 100+ Streaming Video Classes

Does your child need some extra guidance on building essential life skills? Goally’s skill building tablet for kids includes a TV app that has the most robust video library of skills training videos for kids. Ranging from content like “How to Brush Your Teeth” to “How to Make Friends at School,” we have dozens of interactive video lessons for kids with thinking and learning differences.

An assortment of interactive video class thumbnails, including dental care and cooking, on the best tablet for kids by Goally.

HERE’s a video explaining how to works.

In wrapping up, I can affirmatively say that with Goally’s Goal Mine classes, you’re choosing a prime resource for nurturing social skills in kids. Beyond being entertaining visuals, these social skills videos for kids serve as a potent tool to simplify learning social skills. They replace the often daunting task of teaching complex social cues with manageable, appealing concepts. As a result, these videos are an indispensable part of your parenting toolkit, bolstering your child’s social dexterity. To put it bluntly, Goally’s Goal Mine delivers a winning combination of practical instruction and play—a launchpad for introduction to remarkable social skills.

FAQ’s About Social Skills Videos for Kids

What are social skills videos for kids?
Social skills videos for kids are engaging short clips designed to help children understand and develop essential social skills in an enjoyable and interactive manner.

How can social skills videos for kids benefit my child?
These videos simplify complex social dynamics, making them easier for kids to grasp, thereby promoting better communication, enhancing emotional intelligence, and fostering healthier relationships.

Can social skills videos for kids help kids with special needs?
Absolutely. These videos use clear, simple language and visual aids, making them particularly beneficial for children with special needs, including those on the autism spectrum.

How do I incorporate social skills videos for kids into my child's daily routine?
You can integrate these videos into your child's screen time, homework schedule, or use them as a fun yet educational activity for quality family time.

Where can I find high-quality social skills videos for kids?
Goally's Goal Mine classes offer a treasure trove of extensively researched, expert-approved social skills videos that your kids will find both engaging and beneficial.
Article by

Emily is a seasoned blog writer for Goally, leveraging her extensive background in child psychology and special education to provide valuable insights and resources for parents. Her commitment to understanding and addressing the unique needs of these children, combined with her expertise in educational strategies, makes her a credible and empathetic voice for families.