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What is Visual Motor Coordination ?

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Think of Visual Motor Coordination as teamwork between your eyes and hands. Your eyes see something, like a ball, and they tell your hands where to go to catch it. It’s how our eyes and hands work together to get stuff done!

Frequently Asked Question


What is Visual Motor Coordination in simple terms?

It’s the teamwork between your child’s eyes and hands, helping them perform tasks like drawing, catching, or tying laces.

Why is Visual Motor Coordination crucial for children?

It aids in essential daily tasks and skill development, impacting a child’s writing, sports activities, and even basic chores.

How can apps and tools assist in improving Visual Motor Coordination?

Tools like visual schedules or gamified learning apps can provide repetitive, fun tasks that challenge and refine a child’s eye-hand coordination.

Can emotional regulation apps help with Visual Motor Coordination?

Indirectly, yes! By managing emotions, children can focus better on tasks, leading to improved coordination over time.

Scientific Definition


Visual Motor Coordination refers to the integrated function of visual perception and fine motor skills. It is the complex neurological process that enables the eyes to guide, direct, or lead the hands in accurate and coordinated movements, particularly in tasks such as writing, catching, and crafting. This coordination is crucial for day-to-day activities and skill development in children and adults alike.

A Real World Example of Visual Motor Coordination

Meet Susie, a vibrant 6-year-old with boundless energy. Here’s how she experienced Visual Motor Coordination in her daily life:

  • Morning Art: Susie decides to draw her family. Her eyes guide her hand to sketch outlines, shade, and color.
  • School Time: During P.E., she’s handed a soft frisbee. Her eyes judge its speed, and her hands move swiftly, catching it in mid-air.
  • Lunch Break: Susie’s sandwich is too big! Her eyes estimate the size, and her fingers deftly cut it into smaller, manageable bites.
  • Evening Play: Building a Lego tower becomes her mission. Her eyes spot the right pieces, while her fingers snap them into place.

In every task, Susie’s eyes and hands were in a playful duet, making her day smoother. And remember, with every sunrise, she’s just getting started!

How Does Visual Motor Coordination Work?

Visual Motor Coordination is like magic between your eyes and hands! It’s their secret way of chatting to help with tasks. How? Let’s see:

  • Drawing: Eyes spot the lines, hands follow.
  • Buttoning Shirts: Eyes see the buttonhole, fingers slide the button in.
  • Pouring Juice: Eyes gauge the glass’s brim, hands stop pouring.
  • Tying Laces: Eyes pinpoint the loops, fingers weave them.

In short, it’s your child’s personal team, always ready to assist in day-to-day tasks. Remember, it’s all about those eyes and hands dancing in sync. And with practice, they’ll waltz like pros!

Looking for a handy helper? Goally can be your sidekick. With its fun apps, it not only makes learning enjoyable but can also boost your child’s Visual Motor Coordination. Whether it’s mastering daily routines or social skills, Goally’s got your back!