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What is Stimulus Fading?

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Stimulus fading is a strategy that helps kids with special needs become more independent by gradually reducing the help they receive. Think of it like training wheels on a bike. At first, you might need a lot of help and cues to learn how to ride, but as you get better, the training wheels come off little by little. Stimulus fading works the same way. It helps kids learn new things and do tasks on their own by slowly taking away the prompts or cues they rely on. It’s like a step-by-step process that helps them become more confident and capable in different situations.

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Frequently Asked Question


What is stimulus fading?

Stimulus fading is a technique where prompts or cues are gradually reduced to promote independence and skill development in children with special needs.

How does stimulus fading benefit children with special needs?

Stimulus fading benefits children by promoting skill development, building independence, facilitating generalization, reducing prompt dependency, and increasing attention span.

What are some examples of stimulus fading in action?

Examples include gradually fading visual cues, simplifying verbal prompts, decreasing physical assistance, and introducing a variety of situations to promote generalization of skills.

How can visual schedules and apps like Goally aid in stimulus fading?

Visual schedules and apps like Goally provide customizable prompts and visual cues, supporting children in following routines and tasks while gradually fading those prompts to foster independence.

Scientific Definition


In special needs education, stimulus fading can be defined as a systematic technique that involves gradually reducing or diminishing the presence of a prompt or cue over time. This intentional reduction of prompts aims to help children with special needs develop independence and skills by allowing them to rely less on external assistance and become more self-sufficient in various activities and tasks. Through a carefully planned fading process, children learn to respond to and engage with their environment in a meaningful way, fostering their cognitive, social, and behavioral development.

A Real World Example of Stimulus Fading

Let’s take a peek into Susie’s journey to understand how stimulus fading can make a real difference:

  • Susie, a creative and energetic seven-year-old, had difficulty with transitions and following a bedtime routine.
  • Initially, her parents created a visual schedule using Goally’s digital visual schedule app to help Susie understand the steps involved.
  • At first, the visual schedule included detailed pictures and prompts for each task, such as brushing teeth, putting on pajamas, and reading a story.
  • Over time, Susie’s parents began fading the prompts:
    • They removed some of the pictures and relied more on written words to guide Susie through the routine.
    • They gradually decreased the level of verbal reminders, allowing Susie to take more ownership of her bedtime routine.
    • Susie’s parents praised her efforts and provided positive reinforcement to boost her confidence.
  • With consistent practice and fading of prompts, Susie became more independent in following her bedtime routine.
  • Now, Susie proudly completes her routine with minimal prompts or reminders, showcasing her newfound independence and self-management skills.

Susie’s story demonstrates how stimulus fading, supported by Goally’s visual schedule and prompt fading features, can empower children to become more self-reliant and develop essential life skills. It’s amazing to witness the growth and independence children can achieve with the right tools and strategies in place. Keep up the fantastic work!

How Does Stimulus Fading Work?

Stimulus fading works by gradually reducing prompts or cues, allowing children to become more independent. Here are some examples and key points to understand:

  • Start with a clear and prominent prompt, then fade it gradually over time.
  • Use visual cues, like pictures or written instructions, and gradually remove or simplify them.
  • Gradually decrease physical assistance, such as hand-over-hand guidance, as the child gains confidence.
  • Fade verbal prompts by providing fewer instructions or using simpler language.
  • Introduce a variety of situations to promote generalization of skills learned through stimulus fading.

In summary, stimulus fading is about giving children the support they need while gradually helping them rely less on prompts and cues. By slowly fading these supports, children become more independent and capable of performing tasks on their own.


Goally, our innovative tablet solution, can assist with stimulus fading by providing customizable visual schedules and prompts. Through the use of apps and features like digital visual schedules, Goally supports children in following routines and completing tasks independently. By gradually reducing the reliance on visual cues and prompts within the Goally system, children can develop greater independence and self-management skills. Goally’s gamified learning and skills training videos also offer engaging ways to practice and reinforce skills as part of the stimulus fading process, making it a helpful tool for parents embarking on this journey with their children.