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What Is Social Skills Training (SST)?

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Social Skills Training (SST) is a therapy that teaches people how to interact more effectively with others. It is often used to help people who have social anxiety or difficulties. During SST, individuals learn specific social skills and practice them in a safe and supportive environment. The goal is to help individuals feel more confident in social situations and improve their relationships.

Frequently Asked Question


What kinds of social skills can be taught in Social Skills Training?

Social Skills Training can teach a wide range of social skills, including starting and maintaining a conversation, making eye contact, and expressing feelings in appropriate ways.

Who can benefit from Social Skills Training?

Social Skills Training can be helpful for anyone who wants to improve their social skills and feel more confident in social situations, including children, teens, adults, and seniors.

Is Social Skills Training effective?

Research has shown that Social Skills Training can be an effective way to improve social skills and reduce social anxiety in a wide range of individuals, including those with autism spectrum disorders, social anxiety disorder, and other social difficulties.

Scientific Definition


Social Skills Training (SST) is a therapy that helps people develop the skills they need to interact effectively with others. It is often used to treat social anxiety, shyness, or other social difficulties. During SST, individuals are taught specific social skills, such as starting and maintaining a conversation, making eye contact, and expressing feelings appropriately. The training may also include role-playing exercises, where individuals practice social interactions in a safe and supportive environment. SST is usually conducted in a group setting, where participants can learn from each other and receive feedback from their peers and a trained therapist. SST aims to help individuals feel more confident and comfortable in social situations and improve their relationships with others. With practice and repetition, the skills learned in SST can become automatic and help individuals navigate social situations with greater ease.

Video Explanation


Real World Example of Social Skills Training

Meet Susie, a bright and curious girl who sometimes feels nervous when talking to new people. She joined Social Skills Training (SST) to improve her interaction abilities and gain confidence in social situations. Here’s how SST transformed her life:

  • Susie learned to start conversations by asking open-ended questions like “What’s your favorite game?” This helped her engage with others and find common interests.
  • Through role-playing exercises, Susie practiced making eye contact and using appropriate body language, making her conversations more engaging and friendly.
  • In the group setting, Susie met other children who were also working on their social skills. They shared experiences, offered support, and learned from one another.
  • With consistent practice, Susie’s newfound social skills became automatic. She felt more comfortable and confident when interacting with classmates, teachers, and even making new friends.
  • SST also helped Susie understand and express her feelings appropriately, leading to improved relationships and better communication with her family and friends.

Thanks to SST and her determination, Susie blossomed into a more confident and socially adept young girl, ready to take on any social situation with ease and excitement.

How Does Social Skills Training Work?

Social Skills Training (SST) works by providing individuals with targeted instruction and practice to improve their social interaction abilities. Here are some examples of how SST is implemented and its benefits:

  • Skill instruction: SST teaches specific social skills like starting conversations, maintaining eye contact, and expressing emotions appropriately.
  • Role-playing exercises: Participants engage in simulated social interactions, allowing them to practice the newly learned skills in a safe and supportive environment.
  • Group setting: SST is typically conducted in a group format, enabling individuals to learn from each other’s experiences, share perspectives, and receive feedback from peers and a trained therapist.
  • Automaticity development: With practice and repetition, the skills learned in SST become more automatic, making social interactions feel more natural and effortless.
  • Confidence and comfort enhancement: SST aims to boost individuals’ confidence and comfort in social situations, helping them feel more at ease and confident when engaging with others.
  • Improved relationships: By acquiring and applying effective social skills, individuals can enhance their relationships with others, fostering better connections and communication.

Through practice, these skills become automatic, allowing for more comfortable and successful social interactions. Goally, our tablet product, supports kids with Social Skills Training (SST) through fun apps that foster life and language skills. With digital visual schedules, AAC communication tools, gamified learning, and social skills training videos, Goally aids in developing social interactions, emotional regulation, and positive behaviors.


This post was originally published on Feb. 16, 2023. It was updated on July 12, 2023.