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What Is Scripting?

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Scripting or social scripts is a form of stimming that can help people with autism regulate their emotions and maintain their internal equilibrium. It can also help people avoid harmful behaviors.

Frequently Asked Question


Is scripting only used by people with autism?

No, Scripting is used by people with a variety of neurodivergent conditions, including ADHD, anxiety, OCD, and sensory processing disorders.

Can scripting be harmful?

No, scripting is not inherently harmful. It can be a helpful tool for individuals with neurodivergent conditions to navigate social situations and communicate effectively, reducing stress and anxiety.

Can scripting be used to replace authentic communication?

While scripting can be a helpful tool, it is important to also encourage authentic communication and social interaction. Scripting should be used as a way to build confidence and reduce stress, not as a replacement for genuine conversation.

Scientific Definition


Scripting is a helpful technique used by individuals with neurodivergent conditions like autism or ADHD. It involves pre-planning or rehearsing responses to social situations or conversations. By scripting, people can feel more comfortable and confident during social interactions. It also helps prevent misunderstandings and miscommunications. Scripting can take various forms, such as repeating lines from movies or TV shows, practicing social scripts with a therapist, or writing out responses in advance. Although some may see scripting as a limitation, it is actually a valuable tool for navigating social situations and communicating effectively.

Video Explanation


Real World Example of Scripting

Meet Susie, a bright and imaginative child. Susie is neurodivergent, which means she sometimes finds social interactions challenging. However, Susie has discovered the power of scripting to help her navigate these situations. Here’s a glimpse into how scripting helps Susie:

  • Preparing for a school presentation: Susie is nervous about giving a presentation in front of her class. Using scripting, she writes out her speech, practices it with her mom, and feels more confident when the day arrives.
  • Making new friends: Susie wants to make friends at her new soccer practice. She remembers a line from her favorite movie and uses it as an icebreaker. The scripted line helps her start conversations and connect with her teammates.
  • Handling conflicts: Susie and her friend have a disagreement during a playdate. Instead of getting overwhelmed, Susie uses scripting to express her feelings calmly and find a solution together.

Through scripting, Susie embraces her unique way of communicating and feels more empowered in social situations. It allows her to express herself effectively, build connections, and overcome challenges with confidence.

How Does Scripting Work?

Scripting is a technique that individuals with neurodivergent conditions like autism or ADHD use to navigate social situations. It involves pre-planning or rehearsing responses to conversations, allowing individuals to feel more comfortable and confident. Here are some examples and key points about how scripting works:

  • Pre-planning: Individuals write out or mentally rehearse their responses ahead of time.
  • Repeating lines: Some people use lines from movies or TV shows to respond in social situations.
  • Practicing with a therapist: Individuals can work with a therapist to practice social scripts.
  • Written responses: Writing out responses in advance helps individuals prepare for different scenarios.

Scripting is a valuable tool for neurodivergent individuals, enabling them to communicate effectively and navigate social interactions with more confidence and ease.

This post was originally published on Feb. 15, 2023. It was updated on Jan. 22, 2024.