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What is Nutritional Therapy?

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Nutritional therapy is like a special food plan made just for you. It helps your body and brain work better by ensuring you eat the right things.

Frequently Asked Question


How does Nutritional therapy work for children?

Nutritional therapy assesses a child’s diet, identifies deficiencies, and recommends specific foods or supplements to optimize their physical and cognitive functions.

What results can parents expect from Nutritional therapy?

Parents might notice improved energy levels, enhanced focus, better sleep quality, and a more balanced emotional state in their child.

Can Nutritional therapy benefit my child's behavior and emotions?

Yes, by providing essential nutrients, Nutritional therapy can positively impact behavior, emotional regulation, and mood stability.

Scientific Definition


Nutritional therapy is a science-backed approach to health and well-being that emphasizes the role of diet and nutrient intake in influencing physical and neurological functions. It involves analyzing individual dietary habits, recognizing deficiencies, and recommending specific foods or supplements to address and optimize health outcomes.

Real World Example of Nutritional Therapy

Meet Susie. She’s a lively 8-year-old who’s been feeling a bit off her game lately.

  • She often felt tired at school.
  • Her focus during lessons? Not great.
  • And boy, those cranky afternoon moods!

Susie’s mom decided to try Nutritional therapy.

  • A specialist checked out Susie’s regular meals.
  • They found she lacked Omega-3s and certain vitamins.
  • Enter: flaxseeds, walnuts, and colorful fruits.

After a few weeks:

  • Susie’s energy? Skyrocketed!
  • Focus in class? Sharp as a tack!
  • Moods? Way more even-keeled.

Moral of the story? Sometimes, the right food make all the difference. Who’d have thought Susie’s journey to feeling better was just a snack away?

How does Nutritional Therapy work?

Nutritional therapy zeroes in on what foods and nutrients each person needs to help their body and brain thrive. It’s like a customized health guide designed just for you!

  • It looks at your current diet.
  • Finds what nutrients you’re missing.
  • Recommends foods or supplements.
  • It can boost mood and energy.
  • Helps improve focus and sleep.
  • Strengthens the immune system.

It’s all about feeding your body the right stuff to help you feel your best every day.


Speaking of feeling your best, have you checked out Goally? It’s an excellent tablet with fun apps that help kids learn life and language skills. From daily routines like brushing teeth to understanding emotions, Goally makes learning a breeze. And guess what? Pairing it with Nutritional therapy can be a game-changer for your child’s journey to awesomeness.


This post was originally published on August 14, 2023.