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What is an ADHD Coach?

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An ADHD coach is someone who helps people with ADHD manage their symptoms and improve their life skills. The coach works with the individual to develop personalized strategies to overcome ADHD-related challenges.

Frequently Asked Question


How can an ADHD coach help my child?

They provide personalized strategies and techniques to help your child set goals, create routines, and overcome ADHD-related challenges.

How do I integrate the teachings of an ADHD coach into my child's daily life?

By consistently applying the strategies provided by the coach and utilizing tools like rewards, visual schedules, and relevant apps to reinforce positive behaviors.

Can an ADHD coach assist with emotional regulation?

Yes, they offer strategies and work alongside tools like emotional regulation apps to help kids manage and express their feelings healthily.

Is ADHD coaching covered by insurance?

While some health insurance plans may cover coaching services, coverage can vary widely. It’s essential to check with your insurance provider to understand your specific benefits and any potential out-of-pocket costs associated with ADHD coaching.

Scientific Definition


An ADHD coach is a professional who specializes in assisting individuals diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) to develop and implement strategies to better manage their symptoms, improve executive functioning skills, and work towards achieving personal goals. ADHD coaches provide a supportive, structured partnership to strengthen self-awareness, build life skills, and promote overall well-being. Research has shown that ADHD coaching can lead to significant improvements in time management, organization, and self-esteem for individuals with ADHD.



Real World Example of ADHD Coach

Charlie’s parents have made a proactive and supportive decision in seeking the assistance of an ADHD coach for their son. Here’s how each aspect of coaching helps Charlie:

Areas of Support Description
Breaking Down Tasks ADHD often makes it difficult for individuals to manage large tasks or projects. Charlie can approach tasks with less anxiety and better focus by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable steps. This approach helps him overcome feeling overwhelmed and empowers him to make consistent progress.
Visual Schedules and Checklists Visual aids are particularly effective for individuals with ADHD as they provide clear, concrete reminders of what needs to be done and when. Charlie gains a sense of structure and organization by working with his coach to create visual schedules and checklists. These tools help him to manage his time more effectively and reduce forgetfulness or procrastination.
Mindfulness Techniques ADHD often involves challenges with maintaining attention and managing distractions. Mindfulness techniques can be invaluable in helping Charlie to improve his ability to focus and regulate his attention. Learning mindfulness practices such as deep breathing or guided meditation can equip Charlie with tools to navigate distractions and stay present in the moment, ultimately enhancing his productivity and concentration.
Accountability and Celebration Regular check-ins with his coach give Charlie the accountability he needs to stay committed to his goals and strategies. Knowing he has someone to report progress to motivates him to stay on track.

Overall, the combination of personalized support, practical strategies, and positive reinforcement from his ADHD coach equips Charlie with the skills and confidence he needs to thrive academically and personally despite the challenges posed by ADHD.

How does an ADHD coach work?

ADHD coaches use a collaborative, structured approach to help individuals with ADHD achieve their goals. Here’s how they work:

  • Assess: They evaluate the client’s strengths, challenges, and goals. This helps create a personalized plan.
  • Strategize: Coaches develop practical strategies to improve organization, time management, and focus.
  • Teach: They teach skills like breaking down tasks, using calendars, and minimizing distractions.
  • Support: Coaches provide regular check-ins, encouragement, and accountability to keep clients on track.
  • Empower: They help clients build self-awareness, confidence, and independence to succeed long-term.

ADHD coaches are partners in growth, equipping individuals with the tools to thrive. With their guidance, people with ADHD can turn challenges into opportunities and unlock their full potential.


This post was originally published on Sept. 1, 2023. It was updated on March 26, 2024.