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What is a Reinforcement Schedule?

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Think about a Reinforcement Schedule as a set of rules for when you get a prize. Let’s say you’re playing a game. You might earn points each time you perform an action well, or maybe you only earn points now and then. These rules help us understand when we’ll receive a prize, making it easier to pick up new skills, especially for kids with special needs.

Frequently Asked Question


What is a reinforcement schedule?

A reinforcement schedule is a strategy that determines when and how often rewards are given to reinforce desired behaviors

Why is a reinforcement schedule important for children?

A reinforcement schedule provides structure and motivates children by linking rewards to specific behaviors, promoting positive habits and learning.

What are the types of reinforcement schedules?

The types of reinforcement schedules include continuous (rewards every time), fixed interval (rewards at specific time intervals), variable interval (rewards at random time intervals), fixed ratio (rewards after a set number of behaviors), and variable ratio (rewards after a varying number of behaviors).

How can I implement a reinforcement schedule at home?

To implement a reinforcement schedule, clearly define the desired behavior, choose appropriate rewards, establish a consistent system, and provide immediate reinforcement for the target behavior.

Scientific Definition


A Reinforcement Schedule denotes a strategic plan in which a certain behavior is either rewarded or not, depending on its frequency or timing. This procedure can be systematic (each instance of behavior is rewarded) or intermittent (rewards are given sporadically).

A Real World Example of a Reinforcement Schedule

Bobby, a curious and imaginative 8-year-old, embarked on an adventure to complete his daily chores with the help of a Reinforcement Schedule. Here’s how his day unfolded:

  • Morning routine: Bobby started his day excitedly, knowing that he would earn a star on his chart for every task he completed on time.
  • Tackling homework: Bobby settled at his desk, determined to finish his math problems. Every five problems solved, he received a mini-break to play with his favorite toy.
  • Household chores: With his Reinforcement Schedule, Bobby approached chores like a game. Cleaning his room earned him points, leading to a special treat or activity at the end of the week.
  • Practicing reading: Bobby’s parents set up a timer for his reading practice. For every 15 minutes he dedicated to reading, he received a small reward, like a sticker or a special bookmark.

With the Reinforcement Schedule guiding his day, Bobby felt motivated, accomplished, and rewarded for his efforts. This positive reinforcement made his tasks enjoyable, and he began to take pride in his responsibilities. Now Bobby happily looks forward to his daily adventures, knowing that each task completed brings him closer to a world of rewards and fun.


How Does a Reinforcement Schedule Work?

Reinforcement Schedules are powerful tools that can help kids grow. They offer structure and encourage good behavior by tying rewards to it. Here are a few examples:

  • A fixed interval schedule: Homework is done, so every Friday there’s a treat.
  • Variable interval schedule: Cleaning up toys sporadically gets surprise rewards.
  • Fixed ratio schedule: Every 10th math problem solved merits a sticker.
  • Variable ratio schedule: Unexpected rewards for ongoing good behavior.

These rules make expectations clear and add fun to learning. With practice, good behavior becomes the norm.

Goally can help integrate a Reinforcement Schedule seamlessly into your child’s routine. Our gamified learning and visual schedules make sticking to a schedule fun, interactive and rewarding, enhancing learning experiences.