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What Are Signs of Autism in Girls?

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Girls with autism often struggle with making friends, understanding social cues, and expressing emotions, while also dealing with obsessive interests, routine difficulties, and language issues. Early intervention is crucial for them to develop effective communication and social interaction skills.

Frequently Asked Question


How do the signs of autism in girls differ from those in boys?

Girls with autism may have better social and communication skills than boys but may struggle with self-regulation and repetitive behaviors.

Can girls with autism be misdiagnosed or overlooked?

Yes, girls with autism can be misdiagnosed or overlooked, as they may present differently than boys and may be better at masking their symptoms.

Are there any specific risk factors for autism in girls?

There are no specific risk factors for autism in girls, but the condition may be more common in girls with a family history of autism, premature birth, and exposure to environmental toxins.

Can girls with autism have intense and narrow interests?

Absolutely, girls with autism can develop intense and narrow interests in specific subjects or topics, often to the exclusion of other activities or interests. These intense interests are a hallmark sign of autism in both girls and boys.

Scientific Definition


Autism impacts communication and behavior, and in girls, it often manifests as challenges in making friends, understanding social cues, and expressing emotions. They might exhibit obsessive interests, struggle with changes in their environment, and encounter language difficulties, including excessive or limited speech and repetition. Sensory sensitivities are common, and as they grow older, they may experience anxiety and depression while facing difficulties adapting to new situations. Recognizing these signs early and seeking professional help is crucial for girls with autism, as early intervention can help them develop effective communication and social skills, ultimately leading to fulfilling lives.

Video Explanation


Treatment for Autism in Girls

Treating autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in girls requires early intervention and personalized approaches. Although there is no cure, various therapies and strategies can help girls with autism thrive:

  1. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Therapy: ABA therapy uses positive reinforcement to teach and reinforce desired behaviors, improving communication, social interaction, and self-regulation.
  2. Speech and Language Therapy: This helps girls with autism enhance their language skills, social communication, and pragmatic language difficulties.
  3. Occupational Therapy (OT): OT focuses on daily living and fine motor skills, sensory integration, and self-regulation, aiding sensory sensitivities and motor skills.
  4. Social Skills Training: Group therapy settings offer opportunities for practicing social skills, empathy, and perspective-taking.
  5. Educational Support: Individualized education plans (IEPs) tailor educational interventions to address specific learning needs and create inclusive classroom environments.

Early intervention and appropriate support can lead to significant progress, enabling girls with autism to lead fulfilling lives, succeed academically and professionally, and build meaningful relationships.

Autism Symptoms in Girls

Autism in girls can manifest through various signs, which may vary in intensity and presentation. Here’s a list of common signs of autism in girls:

Signs of Autism in Girls Description
Difficulty Making Friends Girls with autism might find it challenging to establish and maintain friendships due to their social difficulties.
Trouble Understanding Social Cues They may struggle to grasp non-verbal cues, making it hard to navigate social interactions effectively.
Expressing Their Emotions Difficulty in expressing emotions and understanding the emotions of others can be a hallmark of autism in girls.
Obsessive Interests or Routines Girls with autism may develop intense and narrow interests or adhere rigidly to routines.
Struggle with Changes in Their Environment They might have difficulty adapting to changes or unexpected situations, which can lead to distress.
Problem with Language or Communication Language difficulties, including both excessive or limited speech, may be present.
Repeating Words or Phrases Echolalia, the repetition of words or phrases without comprehension, can be observed.
Sensory Sensitivities Many girls with autism experience heightened sensitivities to sensory stimuli, such as noise, textures, or smells.
Anxiety or Depression Adolescents and adults with autism may develop anxiety or depression due to social challenges and sensory sensitivities.
Difficulty Adapting to New Situations Adapting to unfamiliar environments or changes in routines may be particularly challenging for girls with autism.

These signs may manifest differently in each girl with autism. If you suspect someone may have autism, seeking advice from a medical professional is crucial for a proper evaluation and guidance.


This post was originally published on Feb. 16, 2023. It was updated on Jan. 3, 2024.