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Why Would a Child Need Occupational Therapy?

If you’ve ever wondered, “why would a child need occupational therapy?” you’re in the right place. Shockingly, it estimates say that approximately 7.7 million children and adolescents experience a mental health disorder before the age of 18! Occupational therapy (OT) can help. OT is a type of therapy that focuses on helping people develop or regain the skills they need for everyday activities. This blog post is specifically tailored for parents of children with ADHD and Autism who might be considering OT for their kids. Our goal here is to help you understand why your child might benefit from this kind of support.

Occupational Therapy Helps Kids Play

Now, let’s dive into one of the most important aspects of childhood – playtime! Did you know that play is crucial for children’s development? It helps them learn about their world, practice social skills, and develop problem-solving abilities. But sometimes, kids with ADHD or Autism may face challenges when it comes to playing – and that’s when a child may need occupational therapy.

Occupational therapists are experts at working with children to improve their play skills by addressing any issues related to sensory processing, motor planning, or social interactions. They use fun and engaging methods like games or toys to help your child feel more comfortable during sessions.

Goally | Visual Scheduler for Autism

Does your child struggle with getting ready in the morning independently? Goally’s routine app on the best tablet for kids breaks down large tasks into small, achievable steps for autistic kids. Create custom routines with your own videos & pictures for every step.

  • Understanding Social Cues: Occupational therapists can design activities, such as a turn-taking game with simple rules and colorful visuals, to help children with autism improve their social skills and overcome difficulties with sharing toys.
  • Improving Fine Motor Skills: For children who have trouble gripping tools like paintbrushes or pencils, a common issue among kids with ADHD, occupational therapy can introduce modified materials making these tasks more enjoyable and easier to perform.
  • Customized Playtime Activities: By addressing these challenges in occupational therapy sessions tailored to the child’s interests, young ones with autism can experience the joy of playtime while simultaneously developing crucial life skills.
Why would a child need occupational therapy? A group of children sit on the floor and play with various toys.

Occupational Therapy Improves School Performance

We all know that school is an essential part of our children’s lives, and we want them to excel. But sometimes, kids with ADHD and Autism face unique challenges in the classroom. Their neurodiversity can impact their ability to focus, follow directions, or even write clearly.

So, how can occupational therapy in autism help? By working on specific skills related to school performance! For example, if your kid has trouble with handwriting due to weak fine motor skills or difficulty holding a pen correctly—an issue often seen in kids with ADHD—occupational therapists can provide customized exercises and tools that make writing easier. Another common challenge for students with ADHD or Autism is maintaining attention during lessons. An OT might suggest implementing personalized strategies like visual schedules, fidget tools, or movement breaks throughout the day so your child stays engaged and focused.

Read More: Benefits of Visual Schedules in Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy Helps with Daily Activities

As parents of children with ADHD or ASD, we understand there’s more than just school when it comes to raising independent and confident individuals. In fact, daily activities like getting dressed in the morning, brushing teeth before bed, or eating meals without assistance are essential building blocks for self-esteem!

But let’s face it – these seemingly simple tasks may pose significant challenges for our kiddos who have difficulties coordinating movements (like buttoning a shirt), understanding routines (when should I brush my teeth?), or using utensils properly while eating.

Why would a child need occupational therapy? A class of students work on their classwork.

That’s where occupational therapists come into play again. They work closely with you and your child to develop strategies that make daily activities more manageable – maybe even fun! This may involve breaking down tasks into smaller steps supported by visual cues (think picture schedules) for better comprehension. You could also introduce adaptive equipment, such as weighted utensils designed specifically for easy gripping. Additionally, modifying environments to promote successful independence may be helpful.

Tips for Parents to Prepare for Occupational Therapy

As you embark on this journey, it’s essential to be well-prepared and know what to expect. Here are some tips for parents as they get ready for occupational therapy:

  • Be Open About Your Expectations and Concerns – Before beginning OT sessions, talk openly with the therapist about your goals, worries, or any specific struggles your child may face. This will help  tailor the sessions specifically to meet their needs.
  • Keep Communication Lines Open – Maintain an ongoing dialogue with the therapist throughout the process. Share updates on progress made at home and ask questions if something isn’t clear. Your involvement is key in supporting your child’s growth!

Tips for Kids to Have Fun in Occupational Therapy

Let’s not forget that our little ones need to enjoy their time in therapy too! Here are a few ideas for making OT sessions more enjoyable and engaging:

  • Bring Favorite Toys/Games – Encourage your child’s therapist to incorporate favorite toys or games into therapy exercises whenever possible—this can make tasks feel less like “work” while keeping them motivated.
  • Celebrate Small Victories – Recognize and celebrate each accomplishment along the way—even if it seems small! A simple high five or word of praise can boost confidence levels tremendously.
  • Create a Positive Environment – Encourage fun through laughter and playfulness during sessions; let them know that it’s okay (and expected) to have a good time while working towards their goals!

Goally | Apps To Structure Your Kiddo’s Routine

Does your child struggle with transitions or staying on task? Goally’s visual schedule app breaks down large tasks into small, achievable steps. It helps kids complete their tasks independently! 

Create custom routines with your own videos & pictures for every step. The steps come in small, bite-sized pieces to help your child learn the little fundamentals (like putting the toothpaste on their toothbrush!) to achieve bigger goals. And that’s just the beginning.


To sum up, occupational therapy can be a game-changer for children with ADHD or Autism by helping them improve play skills, boost school performance, and master daily activities. It’s crucial to prepare yourself and your child for this journey by setting clear expectations, maintaining open communication with the therapist, and ensuring that sessions are enjoyable. If you’re a parent who believes your child could benefit from OT services, don’t hesitate to explore more information and resources. Remember that tools like Goally can be invaluable in supporting your child’s independence and growth as they navigate their unique challenges.

FAQs About Occupational Therapy for Autism

What is occupational therapy for autism?
Occupational therapy for autism is a therapeutic approach that helps children improve their cognitive, physical, and motor skills to perform daily activities independently.
How can occupational therapy help a child with autism?
Occupational therapy can assist a child with autism by improving their social interaction skills, fine motor skills, and ability to handle sensory input, all through tailored activities.
Can occupational therapy improve social skills in children with autism?
Yes, occupational therapists design engaging activities like turn-taking games to help children with autism understand and effectively respond to social cues.
How does occupational therapy enhance fine motor skills for children with autism?
Occupational therapists introduce modified materials and tools to make tasks easier and enjoyable, helping children with autism improve their fine motor skills.
How is occupational therapy for autism tailored to each child?
Occupational therapists create personalized plans based on each child's specific interests and needs, making therapy sessions more engaging and effective.

This post was originally published on March 30, 2023. It was updated on June 26, 2023.

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