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What are Early Intervention Services?

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Early intervention services are special services and support for infants and young kids with developmental delays or disabilities. These services help kids from birth to 3 years old learn important skills and catch up in their development.

Frequently Asked Question


When should I consider early intervention services for my child?

If you notice any delays in your child’s speech, motor skills, or interactions with others, it’s beneficial to explore early intervention services as early intervention has shown to have a positive impact on development.

How are these services different from regular therapies?

Early intervention services are specifically designed for children under the age of three, focusing on a holistic approach that involves family participation and individualized plans, setting them apart from traditional therapies.

What specialists are involved in early intervention services?

Early intervention teams can include speech therapists, occupational therapists, developmental specialists, and more, depending on your child’s needs, ensuring a comprehensive approach to their growth.

How can I access early intervention services for my child?

Early intervention services are typically provided through state or regional programs, often free or at a reduced cost. To get started, reach out to your local early intervention agency or healthcare provider for guidance.

Scientific Definition


Early intervention services are a set of therapeutic and support services provided to infants and toddlers under the age of three who have, or are at risk for, developmental delays, disabilities, or other special needs. These federally-mandated services aim to identify and meet children’s needs in five developmental areas: physical, cognitive, communication, social or emotional, and adaptive development. Early Intervention is authorized by Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).



Real World Example of Early Intervention Services

Three-year-old Liam was not speaking as much as other kids his age. His parents were concerned, so they reached out to their state’s early intervention program. Here’s how early intervention helped Liam and his family:

  • Evaluation: A speech-language pathologist evaluated Liam’s communication skills and identified areas where he needed support.
  • Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP): Liam’s parents worked with the early intervention team to create an IFSP, which outlined specific goals and services to help Liam improve his speech and language skills.
  • Speech therapy: Liam began receiving weekly speech therapy sessions at home, where the therapist taught him and his parents strategies to encourage language development through play and daily routines.
  • Progress monitoring: The Early Intervention team regularly assessed Liam’s progress and adjusted his IFSP as needed to ensure he was making gains in his communication abilities.

Thanks to early intervention, Liam made significant progress in his speech and language skills, setting him up for success in preschool and beyond.

How Do Early Intervention Services Work?

Early Intervention Services help young kids with delays or disabilities develop skills in key areas. Here are some examples of how these services are used:

  • Therapy services: Physical, occupational, and speech therapies to improve motor skills, communication, and daily living skills.
  • Developmental services: Special instruction to promote cognitive, social-emotional, and adaptive skill development.
  • Family support: Training and resources for parents to help their child learn and grow at home.
Service How It Helps
Physical Therapy Improves gross motor skills like crawling, walking, and climbing
Speech Therapy Develops communication skills, including speaking, understanding, and gesturing
Special Instruction Teaches parents strategies to support their child’s learning in daily routines

By providing these targeted services early in a child’s life, Early intervention can make a big difference in their development and future success.


This post was originally published on August 29, 2023. It was updated on May 22, 2024.