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Verbal Behavior Therapy

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Verbal Behavior Therapy is a type of therapy that helps kids with special needs improve their communication skills. It focuses on teaching them how to use words and language to express their needs effectively and wants.

Frequently Asked Question


What age is suitable for Verbal Behavior Therapy?

Verbal Behavior Therapy can benefit children of various ages, from toddlers to adolescents, who have communication challenges and can benefit from structured interventions to enhance their language skills.

Is Verbal Behavior Therapy effective for all children with communication challenges?

Verbal Behavior Therapy has shown effectiveness for many children with a wide range of communication difficulties, but the extent of progress can vary depending on each child’s individual needs and responsiveness to the therapy.

How long does Verbal Behavior Therapy typically last?

The duration of therapy varies based on the child’s needs and progress. Some children may benefit from a few months of intensive intervention, while others may continue with ongoing support over an extended period.

Can parents participate in Verbal Behavior Therapy?

Absolutely! Parent involvement is encouraged and essential for the success of Verbal Behavior Therapy. Parents play a crucial role in reinforcing learned skills and supporting their child’s communication development at home and in various settings.

Scientific Definition


Verbal Behavior Therapy is an evidence-based approach that falls under the broader category of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). It is designed to enhance and teach communication and language skills to individuals with special needs, particularly those with language and communication challenges. The therapy is based on the principles of behavior analysis and emphasizes the functional use of language, where communication serves practical purposes in everyday life. Through careful analysis and systematic interventions, Verbal Behavior Therapy helps children develop essential communication skills, such as requesting, labeling objects, commenting on events, and engaging in social interactions effectively. It aims to provide children with the necessary tools to express themselves and interact with others, ultimately enhancing their overall quality of life.

Real World Example of Verbal Behavior Therapy

Susie is a bright and energetic 5-year-old girl with special needs. She struggles with communication and often finds expressing her needs and feelings challenging. Concerned about her progress, her parents explored Verbal Behavior Therapy to help her develop vital communication skills.

  • Initial Assessment: Susie’s journey begins with a thorough assessment by a skilled Verbal Behavior Therapist. The therapist observes Susie’s communication patterns, identifies strengths, and determines areas that require improvement.
  • Individualized Plan: The therapist creates a personalized plan tailored to Susie’s unique needs based on the assessment. The plan outlines specific communication goals and strategies to achieve them.
  • Functional Language: The therapist introduces functional language activities, teaching Susie to use words like “more,” “help,” and “want” to express her desires effectively.
  • Positive Reinforcement: As Susie progresses, the therapist uses positive reinforcement, praising her efforts and providing small rewards to encourage further development.
  • Daily Practice: Susie’s parents actively participate in the therapy, incorporating language-building exercises into their daily routine. They enthusiastically praise her whenever she uses newly acquired communication skills.
  • Celebrating Success: Over time, Susie’s communication improves. She becomes more confident in expressing herself, making requests, and conversing with her family and peers.

Through consistent and engaging Verbal Behavior Therapy, Susie’s communication blossoms, opening new avenues for her to connect with others and navigate the world more effectively. 

How Does Verbal Behavior Therapy Work?

Verbal Behavior Therapy uses proven techniques to teach kids with special needs how to communicate effectively. Here’s how it works: 

  • Functional Communication: The therapy emphasizes teaching children to use language in practical ways to express their needs and desires.
  • Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA): Verbal Behavior Therapy is rooted in ABA principles, focusing on reinforcing desired communication behaviors to promote learning.
  • Breaking Down Language: It breaks down language into smaller, manageable parts to make learning more accessible for the child.
  • Individualized Approach: The therapy is tailored to each child’s unique needs, strengths, and challenges.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Positive feedback and rewards encourage and reinforce desired communication skills.
  • Prompting and Fading: Therapists use prompts initially to assist the child and gradually reduce them as the child becomes more proficient.
  • Functional Skills: The therapy teaches functional skills that enable the child to communicate effectively in real-life situations.
  • Generalization: Skills learned in therapy are encouraged to be generalized across various settings and with different people.
  • Parent Involvement: Parents play an essential role in therapy, reinforcing skills at home and supporting their child’s progress.
  • Data-Driven Progress: Therapists collect and analyze data to track the child’s progress and adjust interventions accordingly.

Verbal Behavior Therapy uses a structured and individualized approach to help children with special needs develop effective communication skills. Goally’s tablet & apps complement this with visual schedules, AAC, gamified learning, emotional regulation, and social skills training for holistic growth.