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Triad of Impairments

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The triad of impairments is a term used to describe the three primary difficulties experienced by many people with autism. These are difficulty with communication, social interaction problems, and a tendency towards repetitive behaviors and interests. These challenges can make it hard for people with autism to communicate, connect with others, and engage in a variety of activities.

Frequently Asked Question


What causes the triad of impairments?

The causes of autism and the triad of impairments are not fully understood, but it is believed to be a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

How is the triad of impairments diagnosed?

A diagnosis of autism is typically based on observations of a child’s behavior and development and is made by a qualified healthcare professional.

Can the triad of impairments be treated or cured?

There is no known cure for autism, but various therapies and interventions can help individuals with autism develop skills and strategies to manage their challenges and participate more fully in daily life.

Scientific Definition


The triad of impairments is a term used to describe the three main areas of difficulty experienced by many people with autism. These areas are social communication, interaction, and repetitive or restricted behaviors and interests. Social communication difficulties mean that people with autism may struggle to understand or use languages, such as not being able to start or maintain a conversation or not understanding nonverbal cues like facial expressions or tone of voice. Social interaction difficulties mean that people with autism may have trouble making friends or relating to others and struggle with sharing emotions or understanding social rules and expectations. Repetitive or restricted behaviors and interests refer to the tendency of people with autism to engage in repetitive behaviors, such as hand flapping or rocking, or to have an intense interest in certain topics or objects. Overall, the triad of impairments can make it challenging for people with autism to communicate, connect with others, and engage in various activities.

Video Explanation


Real World Example of Triad of Impairments

Meet Susie, a creative and imaginative girl with a love for animals. However, Susie faces certain challenges known as the Triad of Impairments. Here’s a glimpse of how it affects her daily life:

  • Communication difficulties: Susie finds it hard to express her thoughts and feelings through words. Sometimes, she may struggle to start conversations or understand when others are speaking to her.
  • Social interaction problems: Susie often feels overwhelmed in social situations. She finds it challenging to make friends or understand social cues, like when someone is happy or sad. This makes it difficult for her to connect with others.
  • Repetitive behaviors/interests: Susie has a strong attachment to her favorite animal, pandas. She spends hours researching, collecting panda toys, and talking about pandas, which can sometimes make it hard for her to explore other interests.

Despite these challenges, Susie’s unique qualities shine through her creativity and love for animals. With support and understanding, she can learn new skills and strategies to overcome the obstacles posed by the Triad of Impairments.

How Do the Triad of Impairments Work?

The Triad of Impairments is a framework used to understand the challenges experienced by individuals with autism. Here are some examples to illustrate how the concept works:

  • Communication difficulties: People with autism may struggle with language development, have difficulty initiating or maintaining conversations, and face challenges in understanding nonverbal cues like facial expressions and tone of voice.
  • Social interaction problems: Individuals with autism may find it hard to make friends, relate to others, express emotions, and grasp social rules and expectations.
  • Repetitive behaviors/interests: People with autism often engage in repetitive actions like hand-flapping or rocking, and display intense interests in specific topics or objects.

Understanding these challenges can aid in providing appropriate support and interventions to help individuals with autism thrive. Goally is a tablet that helps kids with the Triad of Impairments by offering interactive apps for building life and language skills, including digital visual schedules, AAC, gamified learning, emotional regulation, executive functioning skills, and social skills training videos.


This post was originally published on Feb. 19, 2023. It was updated on July 20, 2023.