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The Parent-Directed Special Education Services (PDSES) program

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The Parent-Directed Special Education Services (PDSES) program is a one-time $1,500 online grant for parents/guardians of eligible students served by special education and who are enrolled in a Texas public school. Parents/guardians of eligible students can use the online accounts to shop the marketplace to obtain educational materials and resources such as textbooks, curriculum, or technology devices and/or services such as additional speech therapy, tutoring, or other specific services.

The SSES application is closed. The application will open again on February 3, 2025, as the Parent-Directed Special Education Services (PDSES) application.

Frequently Asked Question


Where can I find more help?

  • ClassWallet is the online marketplace and where you will pay service providers. If you need assistance or need to cancel an order, you can call them at (877) 969-5536 or email them at [email protected].
  • For general special education questions, please contact SPEDTex at 1-855-773-3839, [email protected], or spedtex.org.
  • You can also reach out to the SSES program for specific SSES questions at [email protected].
  • For specific purchasing questions, you can also reach out to [email protected], please add your order number if you have a specific question regarding an order.
  • For questions regarding your application, you can reach out to [email protected] or call 1-855-773-3839.

Is there a deadline to apply?

Yes. The SSES application is closed for the 2023-2024 school year. The application will re-open next school year on February 3, 2025. The SSES program has not changed and this is still a one-time grant. If you have previously received an SSES account, you will not be eligible to apply next school year.

Is there a time limit to spend funds?

Yes. Every account has an expiration date. This is likely your “purse” title in ClassWallet – you will also receive multiple emails telling you when your account expires.

Funding timelines may change for a variety of reasons. New expiration dates will always be communicated in multiple ways.

After you’ve received your account info email, how does a parent access their funds?

Once parents have received their account award email from [email protected], parents will follow the steps outlined in the email. The SSES program funds may only be used through the online marketplace on ClassWallet. Families will not receive a gift/debit card, nor can families be reimbursed for purchased made outside of the ClassWallet marketplace.

Scientific Definition


To apply for the SSES Grant, please refer to the Texas SSES website for an application.

  1. Families (applicants) will receive a confirmation email stating that their application has been received.
  2. Families with applications on a waitlist or a “waiting to be processed” status, will receive a monthly email with a status update.
  3. Applications are processed and reviewed in the order they are received.
  4. Families will receive notice of eligibility or denial.

The SSES application is closed for the 2023-2024 school year. The application will re-open next school year on February 3, 2025. If you would like to receive email updates, please fill out the interest form to join the email list.

Who is Eligible?

The SSES program has specific eligibility criteria please make sure that you have verified that your student meets the eligibility criteria by reviewing the Eligibility Requirements below.

To be eligible for the SSES grant, students must currently be:

  • enrolled in a Texas public school,
  • enrolled in PreK – 12th grade,
  • and a student with a disability served through Special Education.

The SSES Program is a first-come, first-served one-time only grant.  If you have previously been awarded an SSES account, you will not be eligible to apply again. 

How Do I Order a Goally With My SESS Funds?

Follow these steps to order Goally with Texas SSES funds:

  1. Pick out your tablet
  2. Purchase Goally under your child’s name (this is important!)
  3. Select the payment method “mail a check.”
  4. You’ll receive an invoice in your email!
  5. Log into your ClassWallet Account
  6. Select “Pay Vendor”
  7. Select Goally
  8. Upload the invoice we sent to your email
  9. Select your expense category
  10. Submit!

For assistance with an order or the status of an order, please email [email protected]. We are available 9-5pm MST Mon-Fri.