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What is Social Responsiveness Scale, Second Edition (SRS-2)?

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The Social Responsiveness Scale, Second Edition (SRS-2) is a test that helps doctors and psychologists understand how well someone communicates and interacts with others. It’s used to assess people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or other social communication difficulties. The test asks questions about the person’s behavior in social situations, which helps professionals identify areas where they may need extra support and develop strategies to improve their social skills.

Frequently Asked Question


Who can administer the SRS-2?

The SRS-2 should be administered by professionals who have training in psychological or educational assessment, such as clinical psychologists, school psychologists, or speech-language pathologists.

How long does it take to complete the SRS-2?

The SRS-2 can take anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes to complete, depending on the person being assessed and the method of administration (i.e., self-report or interview).

Can the SRS-2 be used to diagnose ASD?

While the SRS-2 is often used as part of the diagnostic process for ASD, it should not be used as the sole basis for a diagnosis. The diagnosis of ASD requires a comprehensive evaluation that includes multiple sources of information, such as clinical observation, parent and teacher reports, and other standardized assessments.

Scientific Definition


The Social Responsiveness Scale, Second Edition (SRS-2) is a tool that helps doctors and psychologists understand how well someone can communicate and interact with others. It is often used to assess children and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or other social communication difficulties. The SRS-2 asks questions about how the person behaves and interacts with others in different social situations. It covers areas such as social communication, social awareness, and social motivation. The answers to these questions help professionals to identify areas where the person may need extra support and to develop strategies to help them improve their social skills. The SRS-2 is a helpful tool because it allows professionals to better understand the person’s social abilities and challenges. This can lead to better support and interventions that improve their quality of life and social experiences.

Video Explanation


Real World Example of SRS-2

Meet Susie, a bright and imaginative girl who loves spending time with her friends. However, sometimes Susie finds it challenging to communicate and interact in social situations. To help understand her needs better, Susie’s parents took her for an assessment using the Social Responsiveness Scale, Second Edition (SRS-2). Here’s how it helped:

  • Assessment insights: The SRS-2 questionnaire helped professionals understand how Susie behaves and interacts with others in different social situations.
  • Identifying areas for support: Through the SRS-2, it was determined that Susie could benefit from extra support in social communication and awareness.
  • Tailored interventions: Armed with the SRS-2 results, Susie’s parents and professionals developed personalized strategies and interventions to enhance her social skills.
  • Progress and growth: With the help of Goally’s apps, like the gamified learning and social skills training videos, Susie practiced and honed her social abilities.
  • Improved experiences: Over time, Susie’s enhanced social skills led to better experiences with her friends, boosting her confidence and overall well-being.

Through the combined efforts of the SRS-2 assessment and Goally’s supportive resources, Susie’s journey towards improved social interactions became a delightful and fulfilling adventure.

How Does SRS-2 Work?

The Social Responsiveness Scale, Second Edition (SRS-2), is a valuable tool that assesses communication and interaction abilities in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or social communication difficulties. Here’s how it works:

  • Questionnaire-based assessment: The SRS-2 uses a questionnaire format to gather information about the individual’s behaviors and interactions in social situations.
  • Covers key areas: It assesses social communication, awareness, and motivation, providing a comprehensive understanding of the person’s social abilities.
  • Identifying areas for improvement: Professionals analyze the SRS-2 responses to pinpoint specific areas where the person may require extra support.
  • Tailoring interventions: The SRS-2 results guide the development of personalized strategies and interventions to enhance social skills.
  • Enhancing quality of life: By addressing social challenges identified through the SRS-2, individuals can experience improved social experiences and an enhanced quality of life.

The SRS-2 employs a questionnaire-based approach to assess social skills and identify areas for improvement. Goally, our tablet, assists children undergoing SRS-2 assessments by offering fun apps for building life, language, and social skills. With digital visual schedules, AAC, gamified learning, and skills training videos, Goally complements SRS-2 interventions and promotes overall progress and well-being.


This post was originally published on Feb. 17, 2023. It was updated on July 12, 2023.