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Equivalence-Based Instruction (EBI)

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Equivalence-Based Instruction (EBI) is a teaching approach that helps children with special needs learn by connecting ideas and recognizing equivalence between stimuli. It fosters meaningful associations and enables the application of knowledge in diverse situations.

Frequently Asked Question


Can EBI be used with children of different ages and abilities?

Yes, EBI can be adapted to suit children of different ages and abilities, making it a versatile approach that can be tailored to individual learning needs.

Can EBI be integrated into a child's school curriculum?

Yes, EBI can be integrated into a child’s school curriculum by collaborating with teachers and special education professionals to design instructional strategies that incorporate the principles of equivalence, fostering a cohesive and comprehensive learning experience for the child.

How can parents support EBI at home?

Parents can support EBI at home by reinforcing the concept of equivalence through activities like matching games, creating visual schedules, and encouraging their child to apply learned skills in everyday tasks and routines.

Scientific Definition


Equivalence-Based Instruction (EBI) is a scientifically supported teaching method used to promote learning and generalization of skills in children with special needs. It is based on the principles of stimulus equivalence, where a learner demonstrates the ability to recognize relationships between stimuli. In EBI, instructional strategies are designed to establish functional relationships between stimuli, allowing children to demonstrate their understanding of equivalence. By teaching the concept of equivalence, EBI enables children to transfer and apply their knowledge to novel situations, fostering greater independence and flexibility in their learning journey.

Real World Example of Equivalence-Based Instruction (EBI)

Meet Susie, a curious and imaginative child with special needs. Equivalence-Based Instruction (EBI) is her key to learning and growth:

  1. Introduction to EBI: Susie’s teacher, Ms. Johnson, uses EBI to teach her new concepts, starting with equivalence.
  2. Connecting words and pictures: Through enjoyable activities, Susie learns to associate pictures with their corresponding written names.
  3. Generalizing the knowledge: Susie quickly grasps the concept of equivalence, effortlessly matching new pictures and words.
  4. Applying the understanding: Susie demonstrates her comprehension by using the words in sentences and labeling objects.
  5. Expanding the scope: With EBI, Susie’s skills extend to recognizing patterns and understanding mathematical concepts.

EBI empowers Susie to learn, apply knowledge, and grow in various areas of her education journey.

How Does Equivalence-Based Instruction (EBI) Work?

Equivalence-Based Instruction (EBI) is a powerful teaching approach for children with special needs that promotes meaningful connections and generalization of learning. Here’s how EBI works:

  1. Promotes relational understanding: EBI focuses on teaching the relationships between stimuli, such as words, pictures, or objects, rather than isolated facts.
  2. Teaches through stimulus equivalence: EBI helps children recognize the equivalence of different stimuli by establishing connections and associations.
  3. Utilizes matching and relational skills: EBI incorporates tasks like matching, sorting, and categorizing to help children identify similarities and differences.
  4. Encourages generalization: EBI facilitates the transfer of learned skills to new situations, enabling children to apply their knowledge in various contexts.
  5. Enhances flexibility and independence: With EBI, children develop flexible thinking and problem-solving abilities, fostering adaptability and independence in their learning journey.

EBI, in conjunction with Goally’s tablet-based tools, offers interactive apps for life and language skills, visual schedules, AAC, and more. Goally supports EBI principles, empowering children to apply their knowledge in real-life situations.


This post was originally published on June 22, 2023. It was updated on July 19, 2023.