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Empowering Parents Program Idaho

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The Empowering Parents program provides eligible families with grant funds for use towards eligible education services and devices to help students recover from learning loss.

Frequently Asked Question


How much money will families receive with the Empowering Parents Program Idaho?

This program provides a one-time grant of $1,000 per student with a maximum of $3,000 per family for Idaho K-12 grade public and charter school students to use towards allowable educational expenses.

How will this program help students?

As parents and guardians try to help their students recover from learning loss, Idaho students need access to additional supports necessary to meet their individual learning needs. Empowering Parents allows families to purchase the educational resources most likely to help their children succeed academically.

Who do I contact if I have questions?

You can contact the Idaho State Board of Education by email: [email protected] or by phone: 208-488-7583

How do I determine my income eligibility?

Idaho Law (Section 33-1029, Idaho Code) requires Income eligibility be based on the parent or guardian’s adjust gross income for the prior year as verified by the Idaho Tax Commission.

Scientific Definition


The Empowering Parents Program Idaho gets its money from the state of Idaho. Parents who think their kids might fit the program can apply online. Depending on their situation, families may get different amounts, but the program aims to help as much as it can. Each eligible family will have access to $1,000 per eligible student, with a maximum award of $3,000 per family.


How do I apply?

You can apply  with Odyssey. Odyssey recently updated their system for the 2023-24 application and online Marketplace. If you’re reapplying, it is required to create a new Parent Account. You can set up your new account here. Please be sure to click the [Create Parent Account] button and not the log in button as you are creating this new account.

Who is Eligible to Receive Funds?

See the table below to see if you are eligible.

Eligibility Description
Who is Eligible? All Idaho school-aged children, regardless of you go to public or private school or learn at home.
Award Prioritization Families earning $60,000 per year or less get priority when awards are distributed.
Income Verification Idaho law requires that eligibility be based on adjusted gross income, as verified with the Idaho Tax Commission from the previous year’s tax return.
Note on Eligibility If you didn’t file an Idaho tax return, you won’t be eligible. State law mandates use of AGI verified by the Idaho Tax Commission.