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Early Intervention

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Early intervention in special education means identifying and addressing developmental delays or disabilities in young kids before they turn three. This helps provide appropriate services and support to children and their families, such as therapy and behavior intervention, so they can develop skills to succeed in school and life. By intervening early, children with special needs can overcome challenges and reach their full potential.

Early Intervention

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Frequently Asked Question


How do I know if my child needs early intervention services?

If you notice that your child is not meeting developmental milestones at the expected rate, such as delayed speech or motor skills, or has been diagnosed with a developmental delay or disability, you may want to seek early intervention services.

Who provides early intervention services?

Early intervention services are provided by trained professionals, such as speech therapists, occupational therapists, and behavior interventionists, who work with families to provide individualized support.

How can I access early intervention services for my child?

You can contact your state or local early intervention program to find out how to get an evaluation and start receiving services for your child. Services are usually provided at no cost to families.

Scientific Definition


Early intervention in special education refers to the process of recognizing and dealing with developmental delays or disabilities in young kids as early as possible, usually before they reach the age of three. The early intervention aims to provide appropriate services and support to children and their families to help them reach their full potential. Early intervention services may include speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and behavior intervention. These services are tailored to meet each child’s needs and are designed to help them develop the skills they require to succeed in school and life. By identifying and addressing developmental delays or disabilities early on, children with special needs can receive the support they need to overcome challenges and reach their full potential. Early intervention is an essential tool for making sure that all kids have the opportunity to thrive and succeed.

Video Explanation


Real World Example of Early Intervention

Meet Susie, a vibrant and curious four-year-old girl. Susie had difficulty expressing herself verbally, often getting frustrated when others couldn’t understand her. However, her parents recognized the importance of Early Intervention and decided to seek help. Here’s how it made a difference in Susie’s life:

  • Early identification: Through Early Intervention, Susie’s developmental delays were identified early on, allowing her to receive timely support.
  • Tailored services: Susie was provided with speech therapy sessions, engaging activities, and AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) tools to help her communicate effectively.
  • Family involvement: Susie’s parents actively participated in her intervention, attending parent training sessions and learning techniques to support her progress at home.
  • Progress and growth: With consistent intervention, Susie’s language skills began to flourish. She gained confidence in expressing herself, reducing her frustration and improving her social interactions.

Thanks to early intervention, Susie’s journey was transformed. She embraced her newfound abilities, developed strong communication skills, and embarked on a path filled with endless possibilities.

How Does Early Intervention Work?

Early Intervention in special education works by identifying and addressing developmental delays or disabilities in young children at an early stage. Here are some examples of how it works:

  • Early identification: Professionals assess and monitor children’s development to identify any delays or disabilities as early as possible.
  • Individualized services: Tailored interventions, such as speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and behavior intervention, are provided to meet each child’s specific needs.
  • Family involvement: Parents and caregivers actively participate in the intervention process, receiving guidance, resources, and support to enhance their child’s progress.
  • Early learning activities: Children engage in age-appropriate activities that promote their cognitive, language, social, and motor skills development.
  • Collaborative approach: A team of professionals, including educators, therapists, and specialists, work together with the child’s family to ensure a coordinated and holistic approach.

By addressing their needs early on, it sets the foundation for their future success and well-being. Goally, our tablet product, aids kids in Early Intervention with interactive apps for life and language skills, including visual schedules, AAC, gamified learning, and skill training videos. It enhances progress and success in early intervention.


This post was originally published on Feb. 21, 2023. It was updated on July 19, 2023.