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What is Autistic Burnout?

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Autistic burnout is when someone with autism is so overwhelmed that they get tired and sad. It happens because they are trying too hard to fit into a world that is not made for them. People with autistic burnout need to take care of themselves and find ways to reduce stress, like getting enough rest and doing things that make them happy.


Frequently Asked Question


What causes autistic burnout?

Autistic burnout can be caused by various factors, including trying to keep up with social norms, hiding one’s autism, and being in stressful situations that are difficult for the individual.

How can autistic burnout be treated?

Treating autistic burnout may involve a combination of self-care, support from loved ones, therapy, and accommodations that reduce stress and make the environment more accommodating.



How can we prevent autistic burnout?

Preventing autistic burnout may involve creating a more understanding and supportive environment, advocating for accommodations, encouraging self-care and stress management, and promoting acceptance of autism.


Scientific Definition


Autistic burnout is a condition that affects people with autism. It happens when someone is overwhelmed and exhausted from trying to fit into a world that is not designed for them. This can be due to trying to keep up with social norms, hiding their autism, or constantly being in situations that are difficult for them. People with autistic burnout may feel tired, irritable, and sad all the time and may have trouble sleeping, eating, or enjoying activities they used to love. It’s important for people with autism to take care of themselves, find ways to reduce stress, and find support. This can include getting enough rest, spending time with friends and family, and doing activities that bring joy. It’s also crucial for people to understand and be more accepting of autism so that people with the condition can feel less pressure to pretend to be someone they are not.


Video Explanation


Treatment to Help with the Symptom Autistic Burnout

Effective strategies can alleviate autistic burnout symptoms and improve overall well-being for individuals on the autism spectrum.

  • Self-Care: Prioritize relaxation activities, sensory-friendly hobbies, and mindfulness exercises.
  • Establish Routines: Create predictable schedules for sleep, meals, self-care, and leisure.
  • Seek Support: Connect with support networks, seek therapy, and join support groups.
  • Advocate for Accommodations: Advocate for necessary accommodations in education and work environments.
  • Education and Awareness: Promote understanding and acceptance of autism for inclusive environments.

With support and accommodations, individuals with autistic burnout can experience improved well-being and long-term positive outcomes.

Conditions Associated with Autistic Burnout

Autistic burnout can be influenced by various conditions that intersect with autism. Understanding these conditions can help parents support their children better.

  • Sensory Overload: Overwhelming sensory input, such as loud noises, bright lights, or strong smells, can contribute to autistic burnout.
  • Social Demands: Navigating social interactions and adhering to societal norms can be mentally and emotionally draining for individuals with autism.
  • Executive Functioning Challenges: Difficulties in areas like planning, organizing, and prioritizing tasks can add to the stress and exhaustion experienced during autistic burnout.
  • Masking: The effort to camouflage autistic traits and fit into neurotypical expectations can lead to chronic fatigue and emotional strain.
  • Co-occurring Mental Health Conditions: Conditions like anxiety, depression, and ADHD, which often coexist with autism, can exacerbate the symptoms of burnout.

By recognizing and accommodating the unique challenges they face, we can create a more inclusive and supportive environment that promotes their well-being. Goally, the versatile tablet, supports children with autism in developing essential skills. Its interactive apps, including digital schedules and gamified learning, aid in emotional regulation, executive functioning, and social skills.


This post was originally published on Feb. 5, 2023. It was updated on July 14, 2023.