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Autism Family Experience Questionnaire (AFEQ)

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The Autism Family Experience Questionnaire is a survey that asks parents of kids with autism about what matters most to them when it comes to early intervention services. It helps professionals understand the family’s perspective and priorities.

Frequently Asked Question


How long does it take to complete the AFEQ?

The AFEQ typically takes around 20-30 minutes to complete, although this can vary depending on the speed of the respondent and the complexity of their answers.

Is the AFEQ only for parents of children with ASD?

No, the AFEQ can also be completed by other family members who are involved in the care of the child with ASD, such as grandparents or siblings.

How often should the AFEQ be administered?

The frequency of administering the AFEQ can vary depending on the needs of the family and the healthcare professional’s recommendations. In general, it can be helpful to administer the AFEQ at regular intervals, such as every 6-12 months, to track changes in family experiences over time.

Scientific Definition


The Autism Family Experience Questionnaire (AFEQ) is a validated 48-item instrument designed to capture and quantify the experience of parents who have a child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). It assesses parental priorities and preferences regarding early intervention services across several domains, including social development, communication, behavior, and family well-being. The AFEQ provides valuable insights into the family perspective that can inform the development and delivery of family-centered care.


Video Explanation


Real World Example of Autism Family Experience Questionnaire (AFEQ)

When Emily’s son Liam was diagnosed with autism at age 3, she felt overwhelmed and unsure about what services he needed most. That’s where the Autism Family Experience Questionnaire came in:

  • Identifying priorities: By filling out the AFEQ, Emily was able to clarify which areas were most important to her family, like Liam’s communication skills and social interactions.
  • Guiding the care plan: Emily’s responses helped Liam’s care team develop an early intervention plan tailored to the family’s needs and goals.
  • Tracking progress: Over time, Emily completed the AFEQ again to see how the family’s experience and priorities evolved as Liam grew and made progress.

Thanks to the insights gained from the AFEQ, Liam received services that truly made a difference for him and the whole family.

How Does Autism Family Experience Questionnaire (AFEQ) Work?

The AFEQ is a valuable tool that helps healthcare professionals better understand the experiences of families with children on the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Here’s a quick breakdown:

Concept Description
Assessment Tool The AFEQ consists of a series of questions aimed at gaining insights into various aspects of family life impacted by ASD.
Family-Centric It focuses on the child’s behavior, communication, daily living skills, and social interactions, all within the family context.
Identifying Needs By answering these questions, families can highlight their strengths and challenges, aiding in the identification of specific support needs.
Tailored Interventions Healthcare professionals use the information from the AFEQ to develop personalized intervention plans, such as therapy or support groups.
Monitoring Progress Regular AFEQ assessments track the effectiveness of interventions and measure the impact on family life over time.

The AFEQ is a powerful tool that empowers families to receive the support they need, enhancing the well-being of children with ASD and their families.


This post was originally published on May 2, 2023. It was updated on April 12, 2024.