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a Goally Publication



How to Identify Red Emotions

Red emotions, one of the big four of the Zones of Regulation, aren’t always as simple as “anger” or “fear”. Need some help deciphering your child’s emotions, especially those intense, overwhelming ones? You’re not alone. We often refer to these overpowering feelings as “red emotions.” The good news is that Goally is here to shed some light! We’ve fashioned a comprehensive guide and a Goal Mine class in video form, explicitly designed for kids, offering step-by-step instructions. It’s full of insights to help your kids navigate these emotions independently. So, let your kids take a peek at the video; it’ll change the game!

Step 1: Recognizing Red Emotions

  • Identifying Trigger Points: Red emotions can be tough to identify; pinpointing the triggers is crucial. Instruct your kids to be aware of situations or people that spark these emotions. Encourage conversations around these triggers, fostering a comfortable environment for your child to express freely.
  • Observation Skills: Teach your children to be keen observers of their feelings. It helps to maintain a journal to note down instances and reactions to let kids reflect on their emotional patterns. Constant reminders can aid kids in recognizing the onset of red emotions quickly and taking preemptive measures.

Step 2: Understanding the Impact

  • Analyzing Reactions: Every child reacts differently. Some may display overt signs, while others internalize their emotions. Here, delineating between typical and overwhelming responses is vital. The hands-on approach of discussing various scenarios helps kids distinguish and manage their reactions effectively.
  • Linking Emotions to Actions: Children need to comprehend the tie between emotions and actions. By establishing this connection, kids can correlate their feelings with subsequent reactions, empowering them to take control. Discussions and role-plays can be instrumental in elucidating these links clearly.
Red emotions. An intense young person in front of a red background stares down the camera.
Read more: Emotions Quiz for Kids

Step 3: Employing Coping Strategies

  • Creating a Safe Space: Let your kids have a haven where they can unravel. A safe, calming space can facilitate emotional release, letting children to process their feelings better. Moreover, sharing your experiences can make them feel understood.
  • Utilizing Calming Techniques: Teaching calming strategies like deep breathing or counting can be beneficial. Such techniques provide kids with practical tools to deescalate intense emotions, fostering a sense of autonomy in emotional management.

Tired of Emotional Meltdowns?

Goally’s Mood Tuner app has activities for kids with BIG emotions. Teach kids how to tune their mood with Goally. See fewer meltdowns.

The Mood Tuner app encourages kids to look inwards and identify their feelings, helping them understand what’s going on inside. Once they’ve recognized their emotions, they can choose from a 20+ activities designed to help them self-regulate and find their balance.

Goally tablet showing Mood Tuner, the emotional regulation app for kids to help them manage big emotions.

Step 4: Reflecting on the Experience

  • Discussing the Outcome: Once the red emotions have cooled, revisiting the experience is pivotal. It aids in understanding the effectiveness of the employed strategies and helps modify them if necessary. For instance, discussing what worked and what didn’t helps refine coping mechanisms.
  • Reinforcing Positive Behaviors: Consistently acknowledging and rewarding positive behaviors and effective management of red emotions helps kids to adopt these behaviors. As a result, set up positive reinforcement to cultivate resilience and emotional intelligence in children.

Step 5: Seeking Support When Needed

  • Recognizing When to Seek Help: While independence is valuable, sometimes these emotions can be too much. Teaching kids to identify such instances and seek support from trusted adults is crucial. It nurtures a balanced approach to emotional management.
  • Building a Support Network: Cultivate a robust support network around your child. The availability of empathetic ears and helping hands can be a comforting assurance, ensuring that help is at hand when emotions become too daunting to handle alone.


Goally’s Kid’s Tablet has one of the largest libraries of skill-building videos (like “How to Share” and “What To Do When You’re Lost”) in the Goal Mine app.👇

Unraveling the maze of red emotions can seem like a task, but it’s certainly easier with the right tools and approach. Every step, from recognizing to reflecting, plays a crucial role in shaping your child’s emotional intelligence. Above all, your support and our Goal Mine class can make this journey smoother and more insightful.

Goally’s dedicated Tablet can unlock the door to many more enlightening video lessons. Consequently, the embedded YouTube video in this blog will guide you through step #1, laying the foundation for mastering the art of handling red emotions.

Parents, by assisting our kids in navigating the intricate web of red emotions, we are resolving immediate challenges and equipping them with skills that will be their allies for life. The journey might have its with trials, but the insights gained and the bonds strengthened are immeasurable. So, why not explore the best tablet for kids and unveil the many lessons that await? After all, empowering our kids with the armor of emotional intelligence is the stepping stone to a balanced and resilient future.

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We help parents teach their kids life skills, like doing bedtime and morning independently. Backed by science, we incorporate evidence-based practices and expert-informed designs in all of our apps and content.