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Why Are Teenagers More Susceptible to Changing Emotions?

As a parent, you might be puzzled by your teenager’s ever-changing moods. One moment they’re laughing, and the next, they’re retreating to their room. You’re not alone in wondering why teenagers are more susceptible to changing emotions. In this blog post, we’ll dive into the science behind teenage mood swings and provide practical tips for parents to support their neurodivergent kids during this emotional journey.

The Teenage Brain Is Still Growing

The teenage brain holds the key to understanding why teenagers are more susceptible to changing emotions. During adolescence, the brain undergoes significant growth, particularly in the prefrontal cortex. This part of the brain is responsible for decision-making, impulse control, and emotional regulation. This growth continues until the mid-20s, so teenagers’ brains are still developing.

Goally tablet showing Mood Tuner, the emotional regulation app for kids to help them manage big emotions.

Several factors contribute to teenagers’ emotional fluctuations:

  • Brain chemicals: Hormonal changes during puberty affect brain chemicals like dopamine and serotonin, which help control our moods.
  • Brain connections: The links between different parts of the brain are still growing. This can make teenagers more sensitive to feelings and make it harder for them to control their emotions.
  • Sleep patterns: Teenagers often have different sleep patterns, which can lead to mood swings and emotional ups and downs.
Why are teenagers more susceptible to changing emotions? A teenager girl stands outside, with her arms held around her stomach.

Neurodivergent Kids May Have Stronger Mood Swings

Kids with thinking and learning differences, like ADHD or autism, might experience stronger mood swings during their teen years. These neurodivergent kids face unique challenges that can make their emotions change more often.

Here are some reasons why neurodivergent kids may have more intense mood swings:

  • Feeling things more: Neurodivergent kids might be more sensitive to what they see, hear, and feel. This can make them react more emotionally to their surroundings.
  • Planning and organizing: If it’s hard for them to plan and organize, they might feel more frustrated and have emotional outbursts.
  • Making friends: It can be challenging for kids with support needs to make friends and fit in. This can make them feel lonely and more emotional.

How Parents Can Help

As a parent, it’s essential to help your teenager handle their changing emotions. Here are some ways to support your neurodivergent kids:

  • Talk openly: Make a safe place for your teenager to share their feelings without being judged. This can help them feel understood and cared for.
  • Teach them to handle emotions: Show your teenager ways to deal with their feelings, like deep breathing or being mindful.
Why are teenagers more susceptible to changing emotions? A teenager girl sits on the ground outside, resting her chin on her knees.
Read more: Encouraging Independence in Teenagers

Additionally, consider these strategies:

  • Keep a routine: Having a regular routine can help teenagers feel more stable and in control, which can help with their emotions.
  • Show them how to express emotions: Be a good example by showing your teenager healthy ways to show their feelings and handle stress.
  • Get professional help: If your teenager’s mood swings are causing big problems or making it hard for them to live their life, consider talking to a mental health professional.
Goally kids tablet makes bedtime easy with bedtime routines completely controlled by the parent.

Try Goally For Your Child With ADHD

Goally is an excellent option for many families that have a child with ADHD. Use game play as a points-based motivator for your kiddo with ADHD, help them learn emotional regulation skills, and watch them grow! It’s simple to set up and has an expert-informed design.

Understanding and Helping Your Teen

So, why are teenagers more susceptible to changing emotions? The answer is a mix of brain growth, hormone changes, and the special challenges faced by neurodivergent kids. By learning about the science behind teenage mood swings and using the tips we’ve shared, you can help your teenager handle their emotions and learn the skills they need to succeed.

This post was originally published on 05/02/2023. It was updated on 07/05/2023.

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