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What is a First Next Visual Schedule?

The First Next Visual Schedule is like a fun picture book that shows you what task or activity you should do now, and what comes after. Imagine it’s like playing a game where you finish one step and then move to the next one. This helps make things like getting ready in the morning or doing homework easier and more fun because you can see what’s coming up next!

So What Is It?

A first next visual schedule is a fantastic tool designed to help kids with thinking and learning differences. It breaks up their day into smaller, easy-to-follow steps, turning potentially overwhelming tasks into fun mini-adventures. This schedule can work wonders in building their confidence and independence and keeping stress at bay.

The magic lies in the simplicity: the “First” part shows the current activity your child should focus on, while the “Next” part indicates what comes after. This precise step-by-step method helps your child anticipate what’s ahead and makes the shift between tasks much smoother.

So, why should you consider using a first next visual schedule for your kiddo? Not only does it help them understand their daily routine, but it also equips them with valuable life skills. They’ll learn to better manage their time, prioritize tasks, feel at ease with changes, and take ownership of their day.

Customize visual schedules that teach kids independence. No more nagging, no more stress.

Read more: Daily Schedules and the Importance of Routine for Autism

The Magic Behind Visual Schedules

There’s some cool science behind why visual schedules are so effective for neurodivergent kids. Let’s take a quick look at a few key reasons they work:

  1. Routine and Predictability: Kids with thinking and learning differences feel best when they know what will happen. Visual schedules offer a clear structure, helping them feel secure and easily handle changes.
  2. Seeing is Believing: These kids often learn better through visuals, making visual schedules the perfect tool. It taps into their natural learning style, making their daily routine simpler to follow.

It’s incredible how such a simple tool can immensely benefit your child’s development. Visual schedules address some of the most common challenges faced by neurodivergent kids, such as:

Kids write first next visual schedule in their notebooks while being guided by an adult at their desk.
Read more: Visual Schedule Apps
  • Struggling with transitions
  • Difficulty understanding time
  • Feeling overwhelmed by multi-step tasks

Visual schedules help turn daily routines into a fun, enjoyable journey. They provide valuable life skills, such as time management, prioritization, and adapting to changes. And the best part? You’ll give your child the support they need to thrive while making your life easier.

Different Styles, One Goal:

Before creating the next visual schedule for your little one, you need to know the different styles available. Here’s a summary of typical visual schedules:

  1. Object Schedules: Perfect for young kids or those with limited language skills. Objects (like a toothbrush for brushing teeth) represent each task.
  2. Picture Schedules: Ideal for young children, these schedules use photos or drawings to represent tasks. They’re great for visual learners who quickly connect pictures to real life.
  3. Written Schedules: Suitable for kids who can read, written schedules use words to list tasks in order. Adding checkboxes can motivate them to track progress.
  4. Hybrid Schedules: Combine different schedule types to find the best fit. This lets you customize your child’s schedule to meet their unique needs.

Take the time to choose a schedule that suits your child’s preferences and abilities. Each schedule type has its own strengths, so consider the following:

Kid writes first next visual schedule in her notebook while focused.
  • Your child’s age and development level
  • Their learning style and communication skills
  • The level of support they need for daily tasks

Be the Artist: Craft Your Own First Next Visual Schedule

Ready to make a first next visual schedule for your kid? Follow these easy steps:

  1. List Tasks: Brainstorm daily tasks your child needs to do. Pick the most important activities to include in the schedule.
  2. Pick Your Style: Choose a schedule format based on your child’s needs. You can also create a hybrid schedule with different elements.
  3. Design Time: Set up your schedule with clear images, words, or objects for each task. Ensure the “First” and “Next” parts are easy to spot.
  4. Show and Tell: Explain the new schedule to your child. Review each task, emphasizing the “First” and “Next” parts. Be patient and give lots of praise.

Now that you know the steps, here are some tips for making your first next visual schedule more engaging:

  • Use bright colors and attractive images that capture your child’s attention
  • Keep the design simple and easy to understand
  • Make it accessible so your child can interact with it independently
  • Be open to changing the schedule as your child’s needs evolve
Kid uses first next visual schedule to carry out her favorite hobby (drawing) at her desk.
Read more: Toddler Schedule Chart | Free Printable

A Daily Adventure: Making Visual Schedules a Habit

Once you’ve made a first next visual schedule, it’s time to embed it in your child’s daily routine. Here are tips to make it work like a charm:

  • Consistency: Use the visual schedule regularly, referring to it often – especially when switching tasks.
  • Go with the Flow: Sometimes, plans change. Teach your child that it’s okay to adjust the schedule. This helps them learn to be more flexible in life.

To make visual schedules a daily habit, be sure to:

  1. Keep the schedule visible and accessible
  2. Offer support and guidance when needed
  3. Use positive reinforcement and praise
  4. Monitor progress and adjust as necessary

Goally | Routines that Actually Work

Goally’s skill building tablet for kids has routines that break down large tasks into small, achievable steps. It helps kids complete their tasks independently! 

A notification from the Goally Parent App on the best tablet for kids indicating the start of a potty routine, demonstrating parental control features.

Create custom routines with your own videos & pictures for every step. The steps come in small, bite-sized pieces to help your child learn the little fundamentals (like putting the toothpaste on their toothbrush!) to achieve bigger goals. And that’s just the beginning. See it in action:

Helping Hands: Goally, the Perfect Partner

Not interested in the DIY route? No problem! Goally is here to help. We offer a suite of apps, including a first next visual schedule, designed just for neurodivergent kids. Our user-friendly learning tablet promotes independence and growth.

Our Goally tablet includes:

  • Customizable visual schedules to get your child on track
  • Reward systems that keep them motivated
  • Parental controls for added peace of mind
  • A library of resources to support your child’s unique needs

Why not give Goally a try? With our visual schedules and fantastic resources, you’ll set your child up for success and make your life much easier. Embrace smoother days and celebrate happy kids!

This post was originally published on 04/12/2023. It was updated on 08/14/2023.

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We help parents teach their kids life skills, like doing bedtime and morning independently. Backed by science, we incorporate evidence-based practices and expert-informed designs in all of our apps and content.