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Teaching Kids How to Pick Up Dog Poop: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to pick up dog poop. a boy is at the park with his dog.

It’s a beautiful day. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and your child and their furry best friend enjoy a romp in the backyard. Suddenly, your kid stops in their tracks. “Ew, gross!” they exclaim, pointing at a pile of dog poop. You know it’s time to teach them how to handle this sticky situation. Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered. This guide, along with our Goal Mine class video, will walk you through teaching your kids the ins and outs of “How to pick up dog poop” safely and hygienically.

Step 1: Preparation is KeyEnsure your child is wearing old clothes and provide them with a pair of disposable gloves.
Step 2: Equip Them with the Right ToolsArm your child with a poop scoop or a plastic bag. Teach them how to use the bag to pick up the poop without touching it.
Step 3: Proper DisposalShow your child where to dispose of the bagged poop, emphasizing the importance of not leaving it on the ground or in a park.
Step 4: Clean Up and SanitizeTeach your child to remove their gloves carefully and wash their hands thoroughly with soap and warm water.

Step 1: Preparation is Key

Firstly, ensure your child is wearing old clothes that can be easily washed. Secondly, please provide them with a pair of disposable gloves. This keeps their hands clean and helps prevent the spread of bacteria. For instance, dog poop can carry harmful parasites like roundworms and hookworms. It’s crucial to teach your kids the importance of this step in maintaining their health and hygiene.

Step 2: Equip Them with the Right Tools

Next, arm your child with a poop scoop or a plastic bag. If you’re using a bag, teach them to turn it inside out and use it like a glove to pick up the poop. After that, they can turn the bag away again, effectively sealing the poop inside. This technique is not only efficient but also minimizes the “yuck” factor, which can be a significant deterrent for kids.

How to pick up dog poop. a kid is walking his dog and picking up after him.
Read more: How to Meet a Dog for the First Time

Step 3: Proper Disposal

Once the poop is safely bagged, it’s time to dispose of it correctly. Show your child where the poop should go, whether in a designated bin or the regular trash. However, remind them never to use a recycling bin for this purpose. Above all, emphasize the importance of not leaving the bag on the ground or in the park, as it’s not only unsightly but also harmful to the environment.

Step 4: Clean Up and Sanitize

After the poop is disposed of, it’s time for the final and most important step: cleaning up. Your child should remove their gloves carefully, avoiding contact with the outer surface. Teach them to wash their hands thoroughly with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. This step is crucial in preventing the spread of germs and ensuring their safety.

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How to Pick Up Dog Poop for Kids

Teaching your kids how to pick up dog poop might not be the most glamorous task, but it’s an essential part of responsible pet ownership. It keeps your yard clean and protects your family and community from potential health risks. Most importantly, it teaches your kids about responsibility and respect for the environment. So, roll up those sleeves and get started. And remember, our Goal Mine class video is here to help your kids learn this skill independently. For more such life skills lessons, consider getting Goally’s dedicated Tablet to unlock the rest of our video classes. Happy scooping!

FAQ’s About How to Pick Up Dog Poop

What's the best way to pick up dog poop?
The most common methods are using dog poop bags or a pooper scooper. Poop bags are ideal for walks, while scoopers are great for yards.

How do I use a dog poop bag?
Turn the bag inside out and use it like a glove. Grab the poop, then turn the bag right side out and tie it closed.

What do I do with the poop after picking it up?
Dispose of sealed dog poop bags in a designated garbage bin. Some areas may allow flushing it down the toilet.

Are there biodegradable dog poop bags?
Yes, biodegradable poop bags are a more environmentally friendly option.  Look for bags that are certified compostable.

How often should I pick up dog poop from my yard?
Ideally, pick up poop daily to prevent odors and health hazards.  At a minimum, clean your yard at least once a week.

This post was originally published on 10/13/2023. It was updated on 03/21/2024.

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