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How to Clean Your Nose

Hey there, parent! Isn’t it remarkable how some of life’s simplest tasks can often be the trickiest to teach our kiddos? Cleaning their nose, for instance, may seem like a no-brainer to us, but for our young ones, it’s an entire operation in itself. And let’s face it – nobody likes a stuffy nose. But how do you teach them to clean it without turning it into a hot mess? We’re here to help. Our Goally Goal Mine class offers a fantastic video that puts these concepts into a fun, kid-friendly format. After reading, have your kids watch the video to master this skill!

Step 1: What to Clean Your Nose With

So, what’s the best tool to aid those little noses? Tissues, certainly. Above all, they’re designed for this exact job.

  • Tissues: They’re soft, disposable, and gentle on the skin. Opt for unscented ones to avoid any irritations. Moreover, tissues come in compact packages, making them convenient for on-the-go situations.
  • For instance, some parents swear by reusable cotton handkerchiefs. While they’re eco-friendly, it’s essential to wash them frequently to maintain hygiene.
Step NumberTaskDescription
1What to Clean Your Nose WithOpt for soft, unscented tissues or reusable cotton handkerchiefs, ensuring hygiene with the latter.
2How to Clean Your Nose ProperlyStand in front of a mirror, press one nostril closed and gently blow out from the open nostril into the tissue. Repeat for the other side.
3Dispose of the Dirty TissueImmediately toss the used tissue into a trash bin and ensure hand hygiene by washing or using hand sanitizer.
Read more: Hand Washing Steps for Kids

Step 2: How to Clean Your Nose Properly

Here’s where the magic happens! But teaching kids the right way is crucial.

  • Position: Firstly, tell your child to stand in front of a mirror. It allows them to see what they’re doing, in other words, learn through visualization.
  • Technique: Encourage them to gently press one nostril closed. Taking a deep breath in their mouth, they should blow out softly from the open nostril into the tissue. Subsequently, repeat for the other side. However, ensure they don’t blow too hard; we don’t want nosebleeds.
  • Further, as a tip for parents: make it fun! Create a little game or story around it. After that, practice makes perfect, so patience is vital.

Pro tipβ€” Goally’s Kid’s Tablet has one of the largest libraries of skill-building videos (like “How to Blow Your Nose” and “How to Wash Your Hands”) on Goally’s TV App.πŸ‘‡

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Step 3: Dispose of the Dirty Tissue

This step’s all about hygiene and safety. During their younger years, kids might need help understanding the importance of disposing of dirty tissues properly.

  • Disposal: Teach them to immediately toss the used tissue into a trash bin. Above all, emphasize the importance of not leaving them around; we don’t want those germs spreading.
  • Hand Hygiene: Most importantly, ensure they wash their hands after they’re done. And if hand washing isn’t an immediate option, using a hand sanitizer is a suitable alternative.
  • Likewise, it’s a good idea to always have a small trash bin in their room or play area. In the same vein, regularly emptying the bin ensures a clean environment.
Read more: How to Wash Your Hands

Teaching kids how to clean their noses independently can be a rewarding experience. With the proper guidance, patience, and the interactive Goally Goal Mine class video, your child will be a nose-cleaning pro in no time. And, if you’re keen on exploring more, get Goally’s dedicated Tablet to unlock the rest of our valuable video lessons that teach “how to clean your nose.” The embedded YouTube video in this blog only covers the first step, but there’s so much more to discover. Happy teaching, dear parent!

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