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What is Verbal Overshadowing?

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Verbal overshadowing is when talking about something you just saw makes it harder to remember what you actually experienced. It’s like your mind tells a story that covers up the actual event.

Frequently Asked Question


What is Verbal Overshadowing?

Verbal Overshadowing refers to the phenomenon where describing or verbalizing details about an event can impair subsequent visual recognition or memory.

How does Verbal Overshadowing affect memory?

Verbal Overshadowing can interfere with visual memory, making recalling and recognizing visual details more challenging after verbally describing an event.

Why does Verbal Overshadowing occur?

Verbal Overshadowing occurs due to the interference between verbal and visual processing in the brain, leading to a temporary decline in visual memory performance.

Can Verbal Overshadowing be prevented or minimized?

While Verbal Overshadowing cannot be completely eliminated, individuals can mitigate its effects by practicing mindful attention to visual details and implementing memory-enhancing strategies.

Are there any strategies to counteract Verbal Overshadowing? 

Yes, strategies such as visual memory techniques, practicing visualization exercises, and minimizing excessive verbalization can help improve visual memory and reduce the impact of Verbal Overshadowing.

Scientific Definition


Verbal overshadowing refers to the phenomenon where describing or verbalizing details about an event can impair subsequent visual recognition or memory. When individuals verbally describe an experience, it can interfere with their ability to accurately remember visual details of the event.

Symptoms of Verbal Overshadowing

Verbal overshadowing primarily affects the memory and recognition of visual details following verbal description. Here are some common symptoms:

  • Impaired visual memory: After verbalizing or describing an event, individuals may experience difficulties recalling specific visual details or recognizing visual stimuli related to that event.
  • Interference effect: Verbal overshadowing can cause a decline in visual memory performance, reducing accuracy in remembering visual information.
  • Memory distortions: Verbal descriptions may introduce biases or distortions in the memory retrieval process, affecting the accuracy and fidelity of the recollected visual details.
  • Reduced visual attention: Verbalization during an event or task can divert attention away from visual cues, diminishing the encoding of visual information into memory.

By being aware of this phenomenon, individuals can take steps to mitigate its effects and improve their overall memory performance.

Treatment for Verbal Overshadowing

  • Awareness and mindfulness: Knowing the potential impact of verbal overshadowing can help individuals consciously focus on and retain visual details alongside verbal descriptions.
  • Visual memory techniques: Implementing strategies such as mental imagery, visualization exercises, or utilizing memory aids can help improve visual memory and counteract the effects of verbal overshadowing.
  • Practice and repetition: Engaging in repeated exposure to visual stimuli and actively working to remember visual details without excessive verbalization can enhance visual memory recall.

While there is no specific treatment for verbal overshadowing, individuals can improve their visual memory abilities by adopting effective memory strategies and minimizing the interference caused by verbalization. With practice and mindful attention, individuals can mitigate the impact of verbal overshadowing and improve their visual memory skills.

At Goally, we understand the importance of developing strong memory and attention skills in kids. Our tablet offers a range of interactive apps designed to enhance cognitive abilities! These apps provide engaging activities and techniques to help children improve their visual memory and reduce the effects of verbal overshadowing.