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What is Onychophagia?

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Onychophagia is a common habit where a person repeatedly bites their fingernails. It’s especially common in kids and happens when the mouth is used for something other than eating or talking.

Frequently Asked Question


What causes onychophagia?

This habit is typically triggered by stress, anxiety, or boredom. For some, it’s also a way to cope with uncomfortable situations or as a self-soothing mechanism.

Are there health risks associated with onychophagia?

Yes, chronic nail-biting can lead to dental problems, infections of the nail bed, and damaged skin around the nails. It can also increase the risk of colds and other infections from germs transferred from the hands to the mouth.

How can someone stop nail-biting?

Effective strategies include stress management techniques, applying bitter-tasting nail polishes, using stress balls or fidget devices, and therapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to address the underlying anxiety.

Is onychophagia linked to other psychological disorders?

Onychophagia can be associated with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and other anxiety disorders. It’s important for those severely affected to seek psychological evaluation and treatment.

Scientific Definition


Onychophagia, or nail biting, is a chronic, compulsive oral parafunctional activity that involves repeatedly biting one’s own fingernails. This prevalent condition affects an estimated 20-30% of the population, with a higher incidence among children and adolescents. Onychophagia is often associated with anxiety, stress, or boredom and may co-occur with other body-focused repetitive behaviors.


Treatment for Onychophagia

To effectively address onychophagia, several treatment options can be considered to help individuals, especially children, curb their nail-biting habit. Here are some effective methods:

  • Behavioral therapy: Techniques like habit reversal training help individuals become conscious of their nail-biting and encourage the adoption of less harmful behaviors.
  • Addressing underlying issues: Exploring and treating sources of anxiety or stress through therapy or stress-reduction techniques can significantly reduce the frequency of nail-biting.
  • Bitter-tasting nail polish: This special nail polish has a bitter flavor that discourages nail biting when applied to the nails.
  • Keeping nails trimmed: Regularly cutting nails short makes it physically more challenging to bite them.
  • Positive reinforcement: Offering praise and rewards for not biting nails can effectively reinforce and encourage behavior change.

With dedicated and consistent application of these treatments, many children can successfully overcome onychophagia.

Symptoms of Onychophagia

Onychophagia manifests through both visible and psychological symptoms, impacting an individual’s health. Here are some of the common symptoms:

Symptom Description
Visible Nail Damage Nails appear short, jagged, or bitten down.
Cuticle Damage Can lead to damaged or infected cuticles.
Finger Pain Causes pain and sensitivity in fingertips.
Dental Issues Misaligned teeth or damaged tooth enamel.
Stress and Anxiety Often related to increased stress or anxiety.

Early identification of these symptoms allows for timely intervention, helping individuals adopt effective management techniques to improve overall well-being.