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What is ABLE account?

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An ABLE account is a special savings account for people with disabilities and their families. It allows them to save money without losing eligibility for government benefits. The account grows tax-free and can be used for disability-related expenses.

Frequently Asked Question


Why is an ABLE account important for kids with disabilities?

It offers families a way to save for disability-related expenses, ensuring the child’s needs are met without compromising essential public benefits.

How does an ABLE account benefit in terms of taxes?

Money saved in an ABLE account grows tax-free, maximizing the funds available for the child’s needs.

Does having an ABLE account affect eligibility for government aid like Medicaid?

No, savings in an ABLE account don’t jeopardize eligibility for Medicaid or other public benefits.

What expenses can be covered by funds in an ABLE account?

ABLE account funds can be used for a range of disability-related expenses, such as education, housing, transportation, healthcare, and assistive technology. It provides flexibility to address various needs.

Scientific Definition


ABLE accounts, formally known as 529A accounts, are tax-advantaged savings vehicles established by the Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act of 2014. These accounts enable individuals with disabilities to accumulate savings without jeopardizing their eligibility for need-based government benefits such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Medicaid. Contributions to ABLE accounts grow tax-deferred, and withdrawals are tax-free when used for qualified disability expenses.


Real World Example of ABLE account

Meet Charlie, a vibrant child with special needs. His parents opened an ABLE account to save for his future. Here’s how it helps:

  • Tax-Free Savings: Charlie’s parents contribute regularly, knowing their savings grow tax-free.
  • Expenses Coverage: They use the funds for qualified disability expenses, like medical bills and education.
  • Financial Security: The account ensures Charlie’s future needs are met, providing peace of mind.
  • Independence Promotion: As Charlie grows, the savings support his independence and quality of life.

With the ABLE account, Charlie’s family navigates financial planning with confidence, ensuring he has the resources he needs to thrive.

How Does an ABLE Account Work?

Understanding how an ABLE account works is crucial for families navigating disability-related finances. Here’s a concise overview and real-world examples of this impactful concept in action.

Key Points Description
Tax-Advantaged Savings ABLE accounts offer tax advantages, allowing families to grow savings without affecting eligibility for critical benefits.
Qualified Expenses Funds can be used for various disability-related expenses, from healthcare to education and assistive technology.
Individual Control The account holder retains control, making decisions on fund usage, offering flexibility and independence.
Contributions Family and friends can contribute within annual limits without impacting the account owner’s benefits.
Investment Options ABLE accounts often provide investment choices, allowing funds to potentially grow over time.

In essence, ABLE accounts provide a dynamic financial tool, fostering independence while safeguarding eligibility for essential support services.


This post was originally published on Sept. 1, 2023. It was updated on April 12, 2024.