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What Are Transitions?

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Transitions are significant life changes that individuals with disabilities often find challenging, such as moving or beginning school. To ensure their successful adaptation and fulfillment of their potential, it’s vital to plan for and offer support, which includes setting goals and involving them in decision-making.

Frequently Asked Question


Why is it important to plan for transitions?

Planning for transitions is essential because changes can be difficult for people with disabilities, and they may need extra support to adapt to these changes.

How can visual supports help with transitions?

Visual supports like visual schedules, calendars, or social stories can help individuals with disabilities anticipate changes, understand what to expect, and reduce anxiety.

What is the role of families and support workers in transitions for individuals with disabilities?

Families and support workers play a crucial role in helping individuals with disabilities navigate transitions. They can provide emotional support, help create a transition plan, and connect individuals to appropriate services and support networks.

Why is early planning essential for successful transitions in the context of disabilities?

Early planning is crucial because it allows individuals with disabilities and their support networks to anticipate and address potential challenges, identify necessary resources, and ensure a smoother transition into new life phases.

Scientific Definition


Transitions are significant life changes that disrupt their established routines and impact their daily lives. These changes can range from moving between life stages or altering their living environments to events like starting school, changing schools, entering the workforce, or retiring. Transitions often introduce shifts in responsibilities, expectations, and support systems, and they can lead to heightened stress and anxiety for people with disabilities. To assist individuals in navigating these pivotal moments, it is crucial for families, educators, and support workers to engage in effective planning, which includes creating detailed transition plans outlining goals and support services, identifying potential challenges, and actively involving the individuals themselves in the decision-making process. By providing the necessary support and guidance during transitions, individuals with disabilities can successfully adapt to change and realize their full potential.

Video Explanation


Real World Example of Transition

Charlie, a bright and determined child with special needs, was about to embark on a significant transition in his life – starting a new school. His parents understood the importance of providing him with the right support during this change. Here’s how they made the transition as smooth as possible:

  • Planning Ahead: Charlie’s parents began by researching the new school thoroughly. They visited the campus, met with teachers, and discussed Charlie’s unique needs and requirements.
  • Involving Charlie: They didn’t keep Charlie in the dark. They talked to him about the upcoming change, showing him pictures of the new school, and explaining what his daily routine would be like.
  • Establishing a Routine: To ease the transition, Charlie’s parents started implementing the new daily routine a few weeks before school began. This helped him get used to the schedule gradually.
  • Building a Support Network: They connected with other parents in the school community who had children with special needs. This network provided valuable insights and emotional support.
  • Continual Communication: Charlie’s parents maintained an open line of communication with the school staff. They regularly checked in on his progress and addressed any concerns promptly.

With careful planning, communication, and Charlie’s determination, the transition to his new school turned out to be a success. It showcased how providing support and understanding during transitions can empower children with special needs to thrive in new environments.

How Does Transition Work?

Transitions can manifest in various ways, each with its unique challenges and demands:

Transition Description
Starting or finishing school Moving from one educational level to another, such as beginning kindergarten or graduating from college.
Moving to a new home or community Relocating to a different place, whether it’s a new neighborhood, city, or even country.
Changing jobs or careers Transitioning from one occupation or profession to another, often accompanied by shifts in responsibilities and skills.
Retiring from work Exiting the workforce and adjusting to a life of retirement and leisure.
Entering or exiting a relationship Navigating the complexities of starting or ending partnerships, whether romantic or platonic.
Coping with the loss of a loved one or caregiver Dealing with the emotional and practical aftermath of losing a close friend or family member.
Adjusting to changes in health or abilities Adapting to alterations in physical or mental well-being, including disabilities or illnesses.
Changing care providers or support systems Shifting from one healthcare or support network to another, such as transitioning to a new doctor or therapist.
Moving from pediatric to adult healthcare Transitioning from child-oriented medical care to adult-oriented healthcare services.
Applying for and receiving government benefits or services Navigating the bureaucracy of accessing government assistance and resources.
Adjusting to changes in financial situation or status Managing shifts in income, expenses, or financial stability.
Starting or stopping medications or treatments Initiating or discontinuing medical treatments, which may require adjustments and monitoring.

These transitions can have a profound impact on individuals with disabilities, emphasizing the importance of planning and providing appropriate support during these periods of change. By doing so, individuals can successfully navigate these transitions, pursue their goals, and lead fulfilling lives.


This post was originally published on Feb. 18, 2023. It was updated on Jan. 7, 2024.