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What is an Individual Transition Plan?

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An individual transition plan is a custom-made plan for children with special needs that helps them plan for their future and reach their goals. It involves working with parents, teachers, and other important people in the child’s life to create a plan that addresses their specific needs and helps them transition from one stage to another.

Frequently Asked Question


Who is involved in creating an ITP?

An ITP is created with the help of parents, teachers, and other people who work with the child, ensuring that all perspectives are taken into account.

When should an ITP be created?

An ITP should be created at the beginning of the transition planning process, typically during the teenage years, but it can be created at any time to support the child’s ongoing needs.

How is an ITP updated?

An ITP should be regularly updated to reflect any changes in the child’s needs or goals, providing an opportunity for ongoing conversations with the child about their future and how they can be supported.

Scientific Definition


An Individual Transition Plan (ITP) is a plan that helps children with special needs prepare for their future. This plan is made just for them and focuses on their specific needs and goals. The goal of an ITP is to help children with special needs transition from one stage of life to another. This could mean moving from elementary school to middle school, high school to college, or a job. An ITP is made with the help of parents, teachers, and other people who work with the child. It includes what kind of support the child will need, their goals, and how they will get there. An ITP is essential because it helps children with special needs plan for their future and reaches their full potential.

Video Explanation


Treatment for Individual Transition Plan

Meet Susie, a bright and determined child with special needs. As Susie approached middle school, her parents, teachers, and therapists came together to create an Individual Transition Plan (ITP) tailored just for her. Here’s how it made a difference in her life:

  • Collaborative Approach: Susie’s parents, teachers, and therapists joined forces to understand her needs and aspirations better.
  • Setting Specific Goals: The team established clear objectives, such as improving communication skills and fostering independence.
  • Personalized Support: Susie received personalized support, including speech therapy and social skills training, to help her succeed.
  • Monitoring Progress: Regular meetings allowed them to track Susie’s progress and adapt the plan when necessary.
  • Successful Transition: Thanks to the ITP, Susie confidently transitioned to middle school, making new friends and handling her daily routines with ease.

Susie’s inspiring journey showcases how an Individual Transition Plan can empower children with special needs to embrace new challenges and achieve their potential.

How Does an Individual Transition Plan Work?

An Individual Transition Plan (ITP) operates by creating a personalized strategy to aid children with special needs in navigating various life transitions. Here’s how it works:

  • Involvement: ITP is developed collaboratively with parents, teachers, and professionals to ensure it addresses the child’s unique requirements.
  • Setting Goals: The plan outlines specific and achievable objectives for the child to reach during their transition.
  • Tailored Support: It identifies the support and resources necessary to help the child succeed.
  • Progress Tracking: ITP regularly monitors the child’s progress and makes adjustments as needed.
  • Transition Scenarios: Examples of ITP in action include transitioning from elementary to middle school, high school to college, or preparing for employment.
  • Skill Development: The plan fosters skill development in areas such as communication, socialization, and independent living.
  • Post-School Planning: For older students, ITP may focus on post-school goals like vocational training or job placement.

An ITP works by involving key stakeholders, setting specific goals, providing tailored support, and monitoring progress. Goally’s tablet helps kids with special needs develop essential life and language skills through fun apps, supporting smooth transitions and overall growth.


This post was originally published on Feb. 10, 2023. It was updated on July 21, 2023.