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What are Motivation Strategies?

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Think of motivation strategies as a toolkit. It’s like having special tricks up your sleeve to help someone feel excited about doing something. Just like how a favorite toy might make a kid want to play, these strategies help light up that I want to! feeling.

Frequently Asked Question


What are motivation strategies for children?

Motivation strategies are techniques or tools used to boost a child’s desire to engage in a task or behavior.

How do visual schedules enhance motivation?

Visual schedules use images to represent tasks, helping kids understand routines better and feel a sense of accomplishment when tasks are completed.

How do emotional regulation apps benefit kids?

Emotional regulation apps teach kids to recognize and manage their feelings, leading to improved behavior and reduced frustrations.

Why are rewards effective in child motivation?

Rewards provide immediate positive reinforcement, encouraging kids to repeat desired behaviors and tasks with enthusiasm.

Scientific Definition


Motivation strategies are systematic approaches or set of techniques employed to enhance an individual’s drive or desire to engage in a particular behavior or activity, often rooted in psychological and cognitive principles.

A Real World Example of Motivation Strategies

Meet Susie. An 8-year-old who adored cats but wasn’t too keen on cleaning her room. Here’s how motivation strategies turned things around:

  • Interest Linking: Her parents got her a cat-themed chore chart. Each task completion got her a cat sticker.
  • Choice Giving: Susie could pick the order of her chores. First up? Organizing cat toys.
  • Breaks: After 10 minutes of tidying, a 5-minute dance break with her favorite cat song.
  • Instant Gratification: Finish cleaning? A quick cat video treat!

In a matter of weeks, Susie’s room looked better, and she was having fun doing it. Moral of the story? Find that spark, and you’ll find a way.

How Do Motivation Strategies Work?

Motivation strategies can sometimes feel like magic, but there’s a method to the madness. Here’s a quick look:

  • Visual Rewards: Using charts or visuals where kids can see their progress.
  • Instant Gratification: Small rewards given immediately after good behavior.
  • Choice Giving: Letting them choose a task or activity.
  • Breaks: Quick timeouts or fun activities in between tasks.
  • Interest Linking: Pairing a chore with something they love.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Praise and encouragement boost confidence.

It’s about understanding what makes your child excited and using it to guide them.  The more you practice, the better you’ll get at spotting what clicks for your kiddo.


Ever heard of Goally? It’s this nifty tablet packed with fun apps, designed especially for kids. From visual schedules to gamified learning, it’s a one-stop-shop to support those motivation strategies you’ve just learned. And, bonus: it even helps with building life and social skills. Worth a peek!