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What Are Fringe Words?

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Fringe words are words that are not commonly used in everyday language. They can be difficult to understand for people unfamiliar with a specific field, group, or region. These words may be used in special fields, in a specific area, or by a small group of people with a specific interest.

Frequently Asked Question


How do I know if a word is a fringe word?

A word is considered a fringe word if it is not commonly used or understood in everyday language. Still, it is used within a specific field, group, or region. This can often be determined by conducting a simple search or asking individuals familiar with the word’s usage.

How can I learn more about fringe words?

To learn more about fringe words, you can research specialized fields, attend events or meetings for interest groups, or immerse yourself in pop culture or regional dialects. You can also read books, articles, or websites specializing in language and vocabulary to expand your understanding of fringe words.

Are fringe words harmful to language or communication?

Fringe words are not inherently harmful to language or communication. However, if a fringe word is not understood by the intended audience, it can create confusion and hinder effective communication. Using appropriate words for the context and audience is important to ensure effective communication.

Scientific Definition


Fringe words are words that are not commonly used or heard in everyday language. They are sometimes used in specialized fields, such as science or medicine, or by a small group of people with a specific interest. Fringe words can be difficult to understand for people unfamiliar with that particular field or group. These words can also be slang words or words used in regional dialects that are not widely known outside of that area. Remember that although a word may be considered a fringe word, it still has a meaning and can be useful in communication for those familiar with it.

Video Explanation


Real World Example of Using Fringe Words

Meet Susie, a curious and imaginative child who loves exploring the world around her. One day, while visiting her grandfather, a retired scientist, Susie stumbled upon a fascinating book filled with fringe words. Intrigued, she decided to dive into the world of these unique words. Here’s how her adventure unfolded:

  • Susie encountered a word called “photosynthesis,” which her grandfather explained as the process plants use to convert sunlight into energy.
  • She stumbled upon the term “nebula” while stargazing with her grandfather, who described it as a vast cloud of gas and dust in outer space where stars are born.
  • Curious about regional dialects, Susie discovered the word “y’all” during a family trip to the southern part of the country. She learned it was a slang term for “you all” commonly used in that region.
  • Susie’s exploration also led her to the world of emojis, where she encountered “LOL,” a fringe word meaning “laugh out loud” used in online conversations to express amusement.

As Susie embraced the fascinating world of fringe words, she realized their power in enriching communication and understanding. It opened her mind to new ideas and perspectives, making her conversations more vibrant and engaging.

How Do Fringe Words Work?

Fringe words add depth and specificity to conversations within specialized fields or interest groups. Understanding their function can enhance communication within these communities.

  • Specialized terminology: Fringe words often originate from specialized fields such as science, medicine, or technology.
  • Niche communities: They are commonly used within small groups sharing specific interests or expertise.
  • Jargon and acronyms: Fringe words can include technical jargon and abbreviations that are not widely known outside of their respective fields.
  • Slang and regional dialects: Some fringe words emerge as slang terms or from regional dialects, limiting their usage to particular areas or social groups.
  • Context-dependent meanings: Fringe words may carry nuanced meanings, requiring familiarity with the subject matter for proper interpretation.

While fringe words may seem unfamiliar, they serve as valuable tools for efficient and precise communication within specialized communities. Goally empowers kids using fringe words to develop language and life skills through interactive apps, digital visual schedules, AAC support, gamified learning, and skills training videos.


This post was originally published on Feb. 8, 2023. It was updated on July 12, 2023.