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Activities for Language: 6 Engaging Ways to Boost Kids’ Linguistic Skills

24 May 2024 | 4 min read

Imagine your child’s eyes lighting up as they learn a new word—it’s a magical moment! These groundbreaking activities for language are designed to create just that, boosting linguistic skills for both neurotypical and neurodivergent kids. Research shows that engaging in interactive storytelling and rhyming games can improve language development by 45%, making these activities both fun and impactful.

1. Storytelling: A Powerful Tool

Storytelling is one of the most engaging activities for language. It’s a wonderful way to spark your child’s imagination and curiosity. I’ve seen kids’ eyes light up as they delve into the world of stories. You can read a picture book to your child, ask questions about the story, or point out images to identify. This interactive approach enhances their vocabulary and improves their comprehension skills.

Moreover, storytelling fosters a deeper emotional connection. It allows your child to empathize with the characters, understanding their feelings and motivations. This emotional intelligence is as crucial as linguistic skills in their overall development.

“Which language games will help my kid the fastest?” 👇

Goally’s tablet has some of the top language learning games & apps that help kids learn their first 50 words, practice finger dexterity & fine motor skills, AND communicate with AAC.

2. Labeling Game: Fun Meets Learning

The labeling game is Next on our list of language activities. This is a fun and interactive way to introduce your child to new words. Write the names of common items around the house on flashcards and ask your child to match the card with the item. This game is particularly effective for kids with special needs as it provides a tactile learning experience.

Not only does this game help in enhancing vocabulary, but it also improves their cognitive skills. Recognizing objects and matching them with the correct labels requires focus and attention, helping to sharpen their minds.

3. Picture Book Spotters: A Visual Treat

Picture books are a treasure trove of learning opportunities. Reading picture books with your child and pausing to look at and discuss the pictures is a great language activity. Ask your child what else they can spot in the pictures. This encourages them to articulate their observations, improving their expressive language skills.

For instance, you could ask, “What color is the cat?” or “How many apples can you see?” Such questions enhance their vocabulary, counting skills, and color recognition.

Autism Language Development Activities this image shows a child and her mom holding a card with I love mom written on it
Read more: Autism Toys for Toddlers, Kids & Teens in 2022

Word chain is a simple yet effective activity for language. The rules are simple – start a new word with the last letter of the previous word. For example, if the first word is ‘cat,’ the next word could be ‘table,’ and so on. This game enhances vocabulary and makes language learning fun and engaging.

Word chains can be played anywhere, anytime. It’s a great way to keep your child engaged during a long car ride or waiting at the doctor’s office. Plus, it’s a game that can grow with your child, starting with simple words and moving on to more complex ones as their vocabulary expands.

5. French Phrases Puzzle: A Multilingual Approach

Introducing your child to a second language early can be incredibly beneficial. A fun way to do this is through the French phrases puzzle. Cut out pieces of a jigsaw puzzle for your child to reassemble. On each piece, write a basic question in French. This game helps kids recognize basic phrases in a new language.

Learning a second language can boost cognitive skills, improve attention, and enhance empathy. Plus, it’s a skill that will serve them well. So why not give it a try?

6. Playing Games: Learning Through Play

Playing games is a fun way to practice language. Word games can help develop language and social skills, concentration, and vocabulary. Games like ‘I Spy,’ ‘Simon Says,’ and ’20 Questions’ are entertaining and educational.

Remember, the goal is to make language learning enjoyable. The more fun your child has, the more likely they are to engage and learn. So, feel free to get creative and develop your own language games. After all, you know your child best.

A close-up image of an adult demonstrating a speech sound, featured on the best tablet for kids by Goally for AAC learning

Goally | Teach Kids AAC & Core Words

Is your child facing challenges in expressing themselves or communicating effectively? Goally’s language apps support their journey in building essential communication skills! All of these apps are included our skill-building tablet made for kids.

Goally's AAC Talker app and Word Lab app displayed on 2 Goallys. There's text that reads "Teach AAC and Core Words."

The Word Lab and AAC Talker apps provide a simple, engaging platform for your child to learn core words and become a functional communicator right from the start. Customize the experience with a voice that suits them, and watch as their confidence grows in expressing their thoughts and needs!

But we don’t stop there. Our Balloon App helps build the skills needed to use AAC by engaging your child with fun, interactive “pop the balloons” exercises. It’s a game-changer for kids who need that extra boost in communication.

In essence, language activities like storytelling, labeling games, picture book spotters, word chains, French phrase puzzles, and playing games can create a rich learning environment for your child. These activities are fun and educational, enhancing vocabulary, improving cognitive skills, and fostering emotional intelligence. Remember, every child is unique, so feel free to adapt these activities to suit your child’s interests and abilities. Integrating these activities into your daily routine sets the stage for your child’s linguistic growth and overall development. Happy learning!

FAQs About Autism Language Development Activities

What are some effective language development activities for children with autism?
Some effective language development activities for children with autism include play-based activities, social skills games, and visual aids.

How can I improve my child's language skills at home?
You can improve your child's language skills at home by reading books together, engaging in play-based activities, using visual aids, and providing opportunities for social interaction.

What are some ways to help children with autism develop social communication skills?
Some ways to help children with autism develop social communication skills include practicing turn-taking, using visual aids, engaging in social skills games, and encouraging interaction with peers.

What are some common language challenges faced by children with autism?
Some common language challenges faced by children with autism include difficulty with expressive language, understanding nonverbal cues, and difficulty with social communication.

This post was originally published on 10/25/2022. It was updated on 05/24/2024.

Article by

Emily is a seasoned blog writer for Goally, leveraging her extensive background in child psychology and special education to provide valuable insights and resources for parents. Her commitment to understanding and addressing the unique needs of these children, combined with her expertise in educational strategies, makes her a credible and empathetic voice for families.

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