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What Are Early Social-Communication Scales?

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Early Social-Communication Scales are like a non-verbal report card, measuring how kids interact and connect using gestures and cues. They help track a child’s social growth and communication skills.

Frequently Asked Question


What are Early Social-Communication Scales?

Early Social-Communication Scales is an assessment tool used to understand a child’s non-verbal communication skills.

Why is the Early Social-Communication Scales important?

It helps to measure a child’s social and communicative competence, providing insights to guide their developmental path.

How does Goally assist with Early Social-Communication Scales?

Goally offers interactive apps that support the development of social communication skills identified by the ESCS.

What role do parents play in Early Social-Communication Scales?

Parents provide the natural setting for ESCS observations and actively participate in the child’s developmental strategies.

Scientific Definition


The Early Social-Communication Scales (ESCS) is a valuable assessment tool designed to measure non-verbal communication in children, with a particular focus on those with special needs. It evaluates various aspects of early social communication, such as joint attention, behavior regulation, and social interaction. For parents, the ESCS offers a practical and comprehensive way to assess and enhance their child’s social and communicative skills.

Video Explanation


Real World Example of Early Social-Communication Scales (ESCS)

Meet Sammy, a playful child full of energy. His Early Social-Communication Scales (ESCS) journey looks something like this:

  • Sammy is observed in his favorite play setting.
  • He communicates through gestures, looks, and sounds.
  • His way of asking for help, sharing joy, or getting attention is noted.
  • His unique style of making friends is appreciated.
  • Based on these observations, a plan is made to help Sammy’s social skills grow.

Sammy’s ESCS journey offers a window into his unique world, guiding his social communication growth.


Early Social-Communication Scales (ESCS) helps us navigate a child’s social communication growth, and Goally is the perfect co-navigator. Goally’s fun and engaging apps support the development of these vital skills, empowering kids like Sammy to thrive in their social journey.

How Do Early Social-Communication Scales (ESCS) Work?

Early Social-Communication Scales (ESCS) are like a compass guiding us to understand a child’s social communication. Here’s how it works:

  • It observes kids in natural settings.
  • It notes down how they use looks, gestures, or sounds.
  • It checks how they ask for help, share, or get attention.
  • It helps us understand their unique way of making friends.
  • It gives valuable insights to plan their learning path.

Using ESCS is like piecing together a jigsaw puzzle, providing a picture of a child’s social communication skills.