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Motor Skills Assessment

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Motor skills assessment is like a fun test that checks how kids move their bodies. There are two kinds: gross motor skills (like running) and fine motor skills (like picking up small things). Experts use these tests to help kids with special needs or those who need extra help. They ensure kids can do everyday things and play with toys for their age. With these tests, we can find the best ways to help kids and their families be happy and succeed.

Frequently Asked Question


When should my child's motor skills be assessed?

Regular check-ups with a doctor or pediatric therapist can help monitor your child’s motor skills, but reach out if you have concerns or notice any difficulties.

Can I assess my child's motor skills at home?

Yes, you can use simple at-home activities to check your child’s progress, but a professional assessment provides a more comprehensive understanding.

How do I find a professional to assess my child's motor skills?

Talk to your child’s doctor or teacher for referrals to pediatric therapists, occupational therapists, or other professionals who specialize in motor skills assessment.

Scientific Definition


Motor skills assessment is a key way to understand the growth and development of young minds! Motor skills assessment looks at two main types of skills: gross and fine motor skills. Gross motor skills are the big movements, like running and jumping. On the other hand, fine motor skills include smaller actions, like holding a pencil or buttoning a shirt. Experts like special ed teachers and speech-language pathologists use special tests to see how well kids are doing. These tests can help figure out if kids with special needs or developmental delays need extra help. They check if a child can do everyday tasks and play with toys that match their age. We can determine the best ways to support these amazing kids and their families by keeping track of their progress. When we use these tests, we are building a roadmap for each child’s future. Motor skills assessment helps everyone work together, creating a happier and brighter tomorrow for children with special needs, their parents, and the professionals who support them.

Video Explanation


Real World Example of Motor Skills Assessment

Meet Susie, a creative and lively 5-year-old with a passion for art and play. Her parents noticed that Susie sometimes struggled with tasks like holding a pencil properly or tying her shoelaces. Concerned about her motor skills development, they decided to have her assessed.

  • The Assessment:
    • Susie’s motor skills assessment began with a series of fun activities at the pediatrician’s office.
    • The doctor observed how she hopped, caught a ball, and handled small objects like beads and buttons.
    • They also tested her hand-eye coordination through drawing and other fine motor tasks.
  • The Results:
    • The assessment revealed that while Susie excelled in gross motor skills like running, she faced challenges in fine motor skills.
  • Intervention Plan:
    • The pediatrician recommended age-appropriate games and exercises to improve her hand dexterity and coordination.
    • They suggested using building blocks, playdough, and finger painting to enhance her fine motor abilities.
  • Progress Tracking:
    • Over the following months, Susie’s parents diligently tracked her progress with the provided exercises.
    • As she practiced, they noticed remarkable improvements in her pencil grip and overall coordination.
  • Success Story:
    • With time and effort, Susie’s motor skills improved significantly, allowing her to express her creativity freely through art and master tasks like tying her shoelaces with confidence.

Susie’s story illustrates the importance of motor skills assessment and the positive impact it can have on a child’s development when appropriate interventions are applied.

How Does a Motor Skills Assessment Work?

Motor skills assessment is a systematic process that evaluates a child’s physical abilities and identifies areas that may require additional support. Here’s how it works:

  • Evaluation process: Motor skills assessment involves observing and recording a child’s gross and fine motor skills through various activities and tasks.
  • Standardized tests: Professionals use standardized tests designed for specific age groups to gauge a child’s motor skills development.
  • Task performance: Children are asked to perform tasks that match their age, such as drawing, stacking blocks, or hopping on one foot.
  • Feedback from parents: Parents’ input on their child’s abilities and challenges is crucial for a comprehensive assessment.
  • Identifying delays: The assessment helps in identifying developmental delays or motor skill difficulties that may require intervention.
  • Customized interventions: Based on the assessment results, tailored interventions and therapy plans are developed to support the child’s needs.
  • Tracking progress: Regular assessments allow professionals to monitor the child’s progress and make adjustments to the intervention plan as needed.
  • Practical examples: Motor skills assessment in action may involve observing a child’s handwriting, balance during physical activities, or how they manipulate objects.

Motor skills assessment plays a vital role in understanding a child’s physical development and tailoring appropriate interventions to support their growth and progress. Goally’s interactive and engaging apps support motor skills assessment by fostering enjoyable and effective skill development in children.


This post was originally published on April 11, 2023. It was updated on July 21, 2023.