Autism Level 2

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Autism level 2 refers to a specific way in which autism can affect individuals. People with autism level 2 may have more significant daily challenges than those with milder forms of autism. They may need extra support to communicate, interact with others, and handle routine changes.

Frequently Asked Question


How is autism level 2 different from other levels of autism?

Autism level 2 represents a moderate form of autism where individuals face more significant difficulties in social interactions and communication compared to milder forms, requiring a higher level of support.

Can individuals with autism level 2 improve over time?

Yes, with early intervention and appropriate support, individuals with autism level 2 can make significant progress in various areas, improving social interactions, communication skills, and adaptive behaviors.

Can individuals with autism level 2 live independently as adults?

The level of independence achieved by individuals with autism level 2 can vary, but with the right support and interventions, many can develop skills that allow them to live semi-independently or with some level of assistance, fostering a sense of autonomy and quality of life.

Scientific Definition


Autism level 2, also known as “moderate autism,” is a classification within the autism spectrum. Individuals with autism level 2 experience substantial difficulties in social communication and interaction skills. They may exhibit restricted and repetitive behavior patterns, impacting their ability to function independently. People with autism level 2 often require significant support to navigate daily activities, manage transitions, and adapt to environmental changes. This classification helps professionals understand individuals’ unique challenges on the autism spectrum and guides appropriate interventions and support strategies.

Treatment for Autism Level 2

Effective treatment approaches can positively impact the lives of individuals with autism level 2. Here are some strategies and interventions that can help:

  • Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA): A therapy that systematically teaches desired behaviors while reducing challenging ones.
  • Speech and Language Therapy: Helps individuals develop communication skills, improve social interactions, and enhance language comprehension.
  • Occupational Therapy: Assists in improving motor skills, sensory processing, and daily living skills.
  • Social Skills Training: Provides structured learning opportunities to enhance social interactions, improve understanding of social cues, and develop friendship-building skills.
  • Visual Supports: Utilizes visual aids, such as schedules, charts, and visual cues, to enhance communication, organization, and understanding.
  • Structured Environment: Establishes predictable routines, clear expectations, and visual boundaries to help individuals with autism level 2 navigate their daily lives more comfortably.

With early intervention and appropriate support, individuals with autism level 2 can make significant progress in various areas. While challenges may remain, many individuals with autism level 2 can improve their social interactions, communication skills, and adaptive behaviors. With continued support and understanding, they can lead fulfilling and meaningful lives, achieving their full potential.

Symptoms of Autism Level 2

Individuals with autism level 2 may exhibit various symptoms that affect their social interactions, communication, and behavior. Understanding these symptoms can help provide appropriate support and interventions. Here are some symptoms of autism level 2:

  • Social communication challenges: Includes difficulty initiating or sustaining conversations, limited eye contact, and understanding and responding to social cues.
  • Impaired social interactions: Difficulty developing and maintaining relationships, lack of interest in sharing enjoyment or activities with others.
  • Repetitive behaviors: Repetitive movements or actions, rigid adherence to routines, intense focus on specific interests.
  • Sensory sensitivities: Heightened sensitivity or aversion to certain sounds, sights, textures, tastes, or smells.
  • Difficulty with changes: Resistance to changes in routines or transitions, difficulty adapting to new environments or situations.

Significant social communication, interactions, and behavior challenges characterize autism level 2. Understanding these symptoms can provide targeted support and interventions to help individuals with autism level 2 thrive. Goally, a tablet product, can support kids with autism level 2 by offering interactive apps for life and language skills. With visual schedules, AAC, gamified learning, emotional regulation, executive functioning, and social skills training, Goally provides a comprehensive platform to enhance communication, organization, and daily routines.


Editor’s note: This information is not meant to diagnose or treat and should not take the place of personal consultation, as needed, with a qualified healthcare provider and/or BCBA.


This post was originally published on June 1, 2023. It was updated on July 14, 2023.Â