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Analytic Processing

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Analytic processing is when we look at small parts of a big thing. It helps us understand what we see, make choices, and solve problems. Some kids with special needs are really good at it, and others might find it hard.

Frequently Asked Question


How does analytic processing help kids with special needs?

Analytic processing can help kids with special needs by supporting their learning and understanding of various subjects. It can also help them develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills.

How does analytic processing differ from holistic processing?

Analytic processing focuses on breaking down information into smaller parts and understanding their relationships, while holistic processing involves looking at the overall picture and understanding the entire concept without focusing on individual details.

Can analytic processing impact social skills?

Yes, analytic processing can impact social skills, as it helps individuals understand complex social situations, make decisions, and solve problems. Developing strong analytic processing skills can contribute to better communication and interactions with others.

Scientific Definition


Analytic processing is a mental approach where individuals break down information into smaller parts. They examine details and consider how each part relates to the whole. This process involves critical thinking, problem-solving, and logical reasoning. It helps people understand complex concepts, make decisions, and draw conclusions. Kids with special needs may have strengths or challenges in analytic processing, impacting their learning and daily life.

Video Explanation


Real World Example of Analytic Processing

Susie is a 10-year-old girl with special needs who loves to read. One day, her teacher assigns her a new book to read, and she’s excited to dive in. Here’s how Susie uses analytic processing while reading the story:

  • Susie starts by breaking down the story into chapters.
  • She focuses on each chapter, understanding the characters and events.
  • Susie thinks about how the events in one chapter relate to the next. • She analyzes the emotions and motives of the characters.
  • As Susie reaches the end of the book, she connects all the pieces.
  • She discovers the story’s main message and theme.

By using analytic processing, Susie enjoys the story and gains a deeper understanding of the text. This skill helps her not only in reading but also in other areas of learning and life.


In conclusion, Goally can be a helpful tool for kids with special needs to improve their analytic processing skills. With fun, engaging apps and features like digital visual schedules, AAC, and gamified learning, Goally supports children in developing life and language skills essential for their growth.

How Does Analytic Processing Work?

Analytic processing helps our brains understand things by breaking them into smaller pieces. We use this way of thinking in many parts of our lives. Let’s look at some examples of analytic processing in action:

  • Solving math problems: We break down equations into smaller steps and solve each part.
  • Reading: We understand sentences by looking at each word’s meaning and how they connect.
  • Puzzles: We put together small pieces to see the bigger picture.
  • Decision-making: We consider the pros and cons of choosing the best option.

We can use analytic processing to make sense of complex ideas and situations. It’s an important skill for kids with special needs, as it helps them adapt and learn uniquely.