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How To Homeschool My Child

how to homeschool your child. A mom is homeschooling her daughter.

Currently, homeschooling is legal in all 50 states and is considered to be one of the fastest growing
segments of K-12 education in the United States. If you’ve ever wondered, “How can I homeschool my child effectively?” – you’re in the right place. Homeschooling offers an alternative approach to education that can be especially beneficial for kids with ADHD and Autism. Our goal? To help you navigate this exciting journey and create homeschool ADHD tips for a successful environment for your kid!

Research Your State’s Homeschooling Requirements

Before diving into homeschool ADHD tips, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with the rules and regulations specific to your state. Why? Because each state has its own set of requirements regarding documentation, assessments, and reporting.

Here’s What You Should Do:

  • Visit your state’s Department of Education website for accurate information
  • Look up forums or Facebook groups where other homeschoolers share their experiences

And don’t forget: stay on top of any paperwork needed – better safe than sorry!

Read More: Homeschool Apps for Parents

Pick a Homeschool Curriculum That Best Fits Your Kids

Now let’s talk curriculums! Various options are available (traditional, Montessori, unschooling), so finding one that suits your child is essential.

When Choosing a Curriculum, Consider These Factors:

  • Your child’s learning style (visual vs. auditory learners)
  • Their interests and strengths
  • The level of structure they require
how to homeschool your child. adhd homeschool tips.  A mom is helping her son with his homeschool work.
Read more: What are the IEP Requirements?

Keep a Consistent Homeschool Routine

Routines are the glue that holds homeschooling together! A consistent schedule helps children feel secure and focused, making learning more effective. Here’s how you can create daily routines that balance work and play:

  • Establish a designated start and end time for your homeschool day
  • Plan short breaks throughout to recharge (snack time, anyone?)
  • Allocate time for physical activity, socialization with peers, and creative play

Flexibility is key – adjust your routine as needed to accommodate unique challenges or opportunities.

Build Custom Printable Visual Schedules

Is your child having trouble managing their routines? Here’s a free visual schedule builder. Goally’s custom tool allows you to create printable personalized schedules that motivate your child to focus on their tasks. Perfect for morning, homework, and bedtime routines, this free visual schedule builder is easy to use and will help your child reach their full potential.

Click below to make your CUSTOM printable visual schedule! 👇

Tips for Parents on How To Homeschool Their Child

Parenting is already an adventure; add homeschooling into the mix, and it’s quite the ride! Here are some suggestions to help you stay organized while maintaining patience during this process:

  • Use calendars or apps for lesson planning
  • Set realistic expectations; progress may not always be linear
  • Celebrate small victories (high-fives all around!)

And remember: real-world experiences can make lessons come alive! Incorporate field trips, hands-on projects, or even cooking together as part of your child’s education.

Tips for Kids to Have Fun While Learning at Home

Who Said Learning Can’t Be a Blast? Here Are Some Creative Ideas To Make Homeschooling Fun and Engaging:

  • Gamify lessons with educational board games or online quizzes
  • Encourage collaboration by joining local homeschool groups or setting up virtual study sessions
  • Foster curiosity through hands-on activities like gardening, science experiments, or DIY arts and crafts projects

The sky’s the limit – let your child’s imagination soar!

Goally | Apps To Support Child Development

Looking for fun ways to help your child learn life skills? Try Goally! The Goally tablet comes with award-winning learning apps and video classes to help kids develop the skills they need to become independent with FUN & evidence-based practices.

An assortment of interactive video class thumbnails, including dental care and cooking, on the best tablet for kids by Goally.

Our apps teach executive function, language, emotional regulation, finger dexterity skills, and more.

As your child develops new skills, you can increase the difficulty level of the tasks in the app to challenge and motivate them even further. This helps your child grow and progress at their own pace, while also keeping them engaged and excited about their development.

Goally kids tablet makes bedtime easy with bedtime routines completely controlled by the parent.

There you have it! We’ve explored researching state requirements, choosing the right curriculum, maintaining routines, helpful homeschool ADHD tips for parents, and ideas for making learning enjoyable. Remember: each family’s journey is unique – so embrace what works best for you. As always, don’t hesitate to explore Goally for additional support and resources to help your child with ADHD or Autism thrive in their homeschool environment. Happy learning!

FAQ’s About How to Homeschool My Child

How do I start homeschooling my child?
Research your state's homeschooling laws, consider different homeschooling approaches, and gather resources like curriculum and support groups.

Do I need to be a teacher to homeschool?
No, you don't need a teaching degree.  Dedication, a willingness to learn alongside your child, and utilizing available resources are key.

Where can I find homeschooling curriculum?
There are many options, including packaged curriculum providers, online resources, libraries, and even creating your own materials tailored to your child's interests.

How do I socialize my homeschooled child?
Seek out homeschooling groups, co-ops, extracurricular activities, sports, community events, and online communities for socialization opportunities.

Can my child go to college after being homeschooled?
Absolutely! Homeschooled students successfully attend colleges and universities. Be sure to maintain good records and research college admissions requirements for homeschooled students.

This post was originally published on 04/04/2023. It was updated on 03/21/2024.

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We help parents teach their kids life skills, like doing bedtime and morning independently. Backed by science, we incorporate evidence-based practices and expert-informed designs in all of our apps and content.