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Cool Videos for Kids With Special Needs

Parents, we know the struggle of finding engaging and educational content for your children, especially for your neurodivergent kids. But worry no more! We’ve compiled a list of cool videos for kids that cater to various learning styles and interests. These videos are entertaining for your kid but also provide valuable lessons and skills for kids with thinking and learning differences. So, let’s explore this exciting collection together!

1. Sesame Street: Meet Julia

Sesame Street has always been a pioneer in inclusive and educational content. In this heartwarming video, they introduce Julia, a Muppet with autism. The video helps kids understand and embrace differences, making it a great starting point for conversations about neurodiversity.

  • Teaches empathy and understanding
  • Encourages inclusivity
  • Features relatable characters

Moreover, Sesame Street’s extensive library of cool videos for kids offers a wide range of topics, making it a perfect resource for parents of neurodivergent children.

2. Cosmic Kids Yoga

Physical activity is essential for all children, and Cosmic Kids Yoga offers kid-friendly videos that combine storytelling with yoga. These videos are perfect for neurodivergent kids who may benefit from movement breaks and mindfulness exercises. Check out a guide to yoga for kids with autism.

  • Promotes physical and mental well-being
  • Engaging stories and characters
  • Suitable for various age groups
Goally kids tablet makes bedtime easy with bedtime routines completely controlled by the parent.

Best ASMR Videos for Kids 👇

Goally has some of the best curated videos for kids (meditation, ASMR, fun) to promote mindfulness and emotional regulation. No ads. No junk. Just learning and regulation.

For example, Cosmic Kids Yoga has a video series featuring popular characters like Harry Potter and Star Wars, making it even more appealing to kids. Goally users can easily incorporate these videos into their daily routines.

3. TED-Ed: Lessons Worth Sharing

TED-Ed is a treasure trove of animated educational videos on many different topics. These cool videos for kids are designed to spark curiosity and inspire learning, making them ideal for neurodivergent children who may have unique interests or learning preferences.

  • Covers diverse subjects
  • Encourages critical thinking
  • Visually appealing animations
cool videos for kids. Three girls look at a cool video on the phone while sitting on the couch and floor.

Meanwhile, TED-Ed also offers interactive quizzes and discussion questions, allowing parents to engage with their children and deepen their understanding of the topics covered.

4. Art for Kids Hub

For budding artists, Art for Kids Hub offers step-by-step drawing tutorials that are easy to follow and engaging. These videos encourage creativity and self-expression, which can be particularly beneficial for neurodivergent kids.

  • Develops fine motor skills
  • Boosts self-esteem and confidence
  • Family-friendly and interactive

Furthermore, Art for Kids Hub’s videos can be easily integrated into Goally’s visual schedules, making it a seamless addition to your child’s daily routine.

Read More: Art Therapy for Kids

5. National Geographic Kids

National Geographic Kids features fascinating videos about animals, science, and the world around us. These videos are perfect for satisfying the curiosity of neurodivergent children who may have a keen interest in specific subjects.

  • Explores the natural world
  • Encourages curiosity and exploration
  • High-quality, visually stunning content
cool videos for kids. A kid is watching a video on the laptop at the table.

For instance, National Geographic Kids offers a series called “Weird But True,” which dives into fun and unusual facts about the world, making learning enjoyable and engaging.

6. GoNoodle

GoNoodle offers a variety of movement and mindfulness videos that are perfect for brain breaks and indoor physical activity. These kid-friendly videos are designed to help children stay active, focused, and calm, making them a valuable resource for neurodivergent kids.

  • Promotes physical activity and relaxation
  • Engaging and entertaining content
  • Suitable for group or individual use

After that, GoNoodle’s videos can also be a great addition to Goally’s visual schedules, providing a fun way for kids to take breaks and recharge throughout the day.

Goally | For Kids Who Hate Bedtime 😴😡

Goally kids tablet makes bedtime easy with bedtime routines completely controlled by the parent.

Unlocking the World of Cool Videos for Kids

To sum up, these cool videos for kids offer a diverse range of content that caters to the unique needs and interests of neurodivergent children. From teaching empathy and understanding to promoting physical activity and creativity, these videos provide valuable learning opportunities while keeping kids entertained. So, go ahead and explore this exciting world of content with your children, and watch them grow, learn, and thrive!

FAQs About Cool Videos for Kids With Special Needs

What are some popular educational videos for kids?
Popular educational videos for kids include series like "Sesame Street," "Magic School Bus," and "National Geographic Kids." These shows combine fun and learning, making them engaging for children.
How can videos help my child in their learning process?
Videos can visually demonstrate concepts, making them easier to understand. They also engage children with audio and visual elements, catering to various learning styles.
Are there videos available that teach emotional regulation to children?
Yes, platforms like YouTube have videos that teach children about emotions and how to handle them. Programs such as "Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood" focus on emotional intelligence.
Can I find age-appropriate videos for my preschool child?
Absolutely! Platforms like YouTube Kids and educational apps provide age-appropriate content specifically designed for preschool children, focusing on fundamental learning concepts.
How can I integrate videos into a daily learning schedule for my child?
You can incorporate educational videos into your child's daily routine by aligning them with specific subjects or using them as a fun break between study sessions. Integrating videos as a learning tool keeps learning enjoyable and engaging.

This post was originally published on 05/29/2023. It was updated on 08/05/2023.

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We help parents teach their kids life skills, like doing bedtime and morning independently. Backed by science, we incorporate evidence-based practices and expert-informed designs in all of our apps and content.