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Causes of ADHD: What We Know Today

causes of adhd. Two boys play with fidget tools for their adhd.

You’ve probably heard all sorts of rumors and guesses about the causes of ADHD. Now, it’s time to learn the truth together. The estimated number of children aged 3–17 years ever diagnosed with ADHD, according to a national survey of parents, is 6 million (9.8%). In this blog post, we’ll explore the latest research to help you understand what’s behind this unique way of thinking. Get ready to solve the ADHD puzzle and gain knowledge that can help your child succeed.

The Real Story of ADHD: Beyond Sugar and Parenting Myths

First, let’s clear up a big myth: ADHD is not caused by having too much sugar or bad parenting. While some things can make symptoms worse, the real causes of ADHD are more complicated. Here’s what science tells us:

Family Ties, Brain Differences, and Chemicals

  • Family ties: Research shows that ADHD runs in families. If one family member has ADHD, there’s a 25-35% chance that another will too. This means that genes play a big part in ADHD.
  • Brain differences: Kids with ADHD often have small differences in their brains, especially in areas that control attention, impulse control, and planning. These differences can make it harder for them to focus and make good decisions.
  • Brain chemicals: ADHD has can be due to imbalances in brain chemicals like dopamine and norepinephrine. These chemicals help control attention, motivation, and reward. When they’re out of balance, it can be harder for kids with ADHD to stay focused and motivated.


Goally’s Kid’s Tablet has one of the largest libraries of skill-building videos (like “How to Share” and “What To Do When You’re Lost”) in the Goal Mine app.👇

Outside Factors: From the Womb to the World

Genes and brain biology indeed play significant roles when it comes to determining the causes of ADHD. However, certain external factors also contribute to the onset of this condition. Let’s take a glance at some of these important factors:

1. Before birth: If an expectant mother gets exposed to harmful substances like lead, alcohol, or tobacco, her baby may have a higher risk of ADHD. Hence, it’s crucial for pregnant women to steer clear of these substances to safeguard their baby’s brain development.

2. Low birth weight: Babies with low birth weights may be more prone to developing ADHD later in life. This could be attributed to their brains not having ample time to grow and develop properly before birth.

3. Early life stress: Experiencing trauma or extreme stress as a young child can contribute to ADHD. This may occur because stress can alter a child’s brain development and functioning.

As parents and caregivers of children with ADHD, it’s important to be aware of these contributing factors to take preventive measures where possible, and to better understand the specific needs of your child.

causes of ADHD. A child is running to get energy out due to ADHD.
Read more: What Causes Social Anxiety in a Child?

The ADHD Puzzle: Putting It All Together

Understanding the causes of ADHD is like putting together a big puzzle. Each piece is a different factor, and when they fit together, they create a unique picture for each person. Here are some important points to remember:

Many Causes, Early Help, and Personal Plans

  • ADHD has many causes: There’s no single cause of ADHD. It’s the result of a mix of genetic, environmental, and brain factors. This means that every child with ADHD is different and has their own unique challenges.
  • Early help is key: Finding and dealing with the causes of ADHD early on can help kids with thinking and learning differences do better. The sooner you can get help for your child, the better their chances of success.
  • Personal plans work best: Since the causes of ADHD are different for everyone, it’s important to have a plan that’s made just for your child. This might include things like therapy, medication, and special help at school.
Read More: What Does ADHD Medication Do?

Helping Your Child with ADHD: Tips for Success

Now that you know more about the causes of ADHD, it’s time to help your child. Here are some tips to help your neurodivergent kid succeed:

causes of ADHD. A child plays soccer to get energy out from ADHD.

Work with Experts and Make a Supportive Home

  • Work with experts: Team up with your child’s doctors and therapists to create a plan that meets their needs. They can help you figure out the best ways to help your child succeed at home, at school, and in life.
  • Make a supportive home: Set up a home with structure, routine, and lots of positive feedback. This can help your child feel safe and supported, which can make it easier for them to focus and learn.

Get Moving, Try Helpful Tools, and Be a Champion

  • Get moving: Exercise can help kids with ADHD focus better, be less impulsive, and feel happier. Encourage your child to play sports, ride bikes, or just run around outside every day.
  • Try helpful tools: Devices like Goally’s learning tablet can give kids with thinking and learning differences the support they need. These tools can help them stay organized, manage their time, and stay focused on their goals.
  • Be your child’s champion: Cheer on your child; make sure your child is comfortable and safe at school and in social situations. Please stand up for them when they need help, and let your kid know that you believe in them.
Goally kids tablet makes bedtime easy with bedtime routines completely controlled by the parent.

Try Goally For Your Child With ADHD

Goally is an excellent option for many families that have a child with ADHD. Use game play as a points-based motivator for your kiddo with ADHD, help them learn emotional regulation skills, and watch them grow! It’s simple to set up and has an expert-informed design.

Knowledge is Power: Keep Learning and Stay Connected

The more you know about the causes of ADHD, the better you can help your child. Stay up-to-date with new research, talk to other parents, and ask experts for advice. Remember, you’re not alone, and together, we can help our neurodivergent kids reach their goals.

As we learn more about the causes of ADHD, we’ll understand this complex condition even better. With this knowledge, we can create better plans and tools to help our kids succeed. So, let’s look forward to a bright future and help our neurodivergent children shine.

FAQ’s About ADHD Causes

What are the primary causes of ADHD in children?
The primary causes of ADHD in children involve a combination of genetic factors, brain biology, and environmental influences, such as prenatal exposure to harmful substances, low birth weight, and early-life stress.

How does genetics play a role in ADHD?
Genetics plays a significant role in ADHD as parents or siblings with ADHD increase the likelihood of a child being diagnosed with this condition, suggesting a strong hereditary component.

Can prenatal exposure to harmful substances cause ADHD?
Yes, prenatal exposure to harmful substances, such as lead, alcohol, or tobacco, can increase the risk of ADHD in children, as it affects their brain development and functioning.

Does low birth weight contribute to ADHD?
Low birth weight may contribute to ADHD since it can indicate that a child's brain did not have sufficient time to grow and develop properly before they were born.

How does early-life stress impact ADHD development?
Early-life stress, such as trauma or extreme stress, can contribute to ADHD in children because it alters their brain development and functioning, increasing the likelihood of this condition.

This post was originally published on 04/13/23. It was updated on 10/13/23.

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