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3 Signs of ADHD in Babies

As a parent, you’re always on the lookout for ways to support your child’s growth and development. Recognizing the early signs of ADHD in babies can be crucial in providing the right support. This listicle offers three essential indicators to watch for, empowering you to better understand and assist your neurodivergent child. Let’s explore these key signs together.

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1. Restlessness: The Endless Desire to Move

First on our list of signs of ADHD in babies is restlessness. It’s normal for babies to be fidgety, but those with ADHD may exhibit a heightened need for movement. To help you identify this sign, here are some things to look for:

  • Struggling to settle down for naps or bedtime.
  • Constantly moving their arms and legs, even when held.
  • Squirming frequently, including during feeding.
AgeRestlessness Level
0-3 monthsHigh, but considered normal
3-6 monthsGradually decreasing
6-12 monthsMore settled, but still active
signs of adhd in babies mother and father with newborn

Keep in mind your child’s age and developmental stage when evaluating these signs. If the restlessness continues, consider discussing it with your pediatrician.

2. Hyperfocus: Becoming Immersed in a World of Their Own

Interestingly, another sign of ADHD in babies is hyperfocus. This intense level of concentration can make children seemingly unaware of their surroundings. Here are some ways hyperfocus might manifest:

  • Engaging in an activity for extended periods.
  • Struggling to switch between tasks or activities.
  • Not responding to their name or other stimuli.

Though it may seem odd, hyperfocus is an ADHD symptom because the child’s brain has trouble regulating attention. Keep an eye on these instances and seek professional advice if you notice a consistent pattern.

3. Emotional Dysregulation: The Challenge of a Child Running Away When Upset

A child runs away when upset, demonstrating emotional dysregulation, which can also be an early sign of ADHD in babies. This term refers to difficulties in managing emotions and reactions. To recognize emotional dysregulation in babies, watch for:

signs of adhd in babies mother holding boy
  • Frequent and intense tantrums or meltdowns.
  • Struggling to calm down or be soothed.
  • Extreme reactions to minor frustrations or changes.

While all babies experience emotional ups and downs, neurodivergent kids may find it more challenging to navigate these feelings. Keep track of these episodes and consult with a professional if you have concerns.

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Wrapping Up: Stay Alert and Offer Support

Identifying early signs of ADHD in babies is vital for providing timely support and intervention. As a parent, being watchful and attentive to your child’s behavior can make a significant difference in their journey with ADHD. Trust your instincts and consult with professionals if you observe any concerning patterns. By being proactive and understanding the signs, you’re laying the groundwork for your neurodivergent child’s growth and success. So stay observant, stay supportive, and keep being the amazing parent that you are.

This post was originally published on 05/07/2023. It was updated on 07/14/2023.

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