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a Goally Publication



The Best Relaxing Music for Kids

As parents and caregivers, we’ve all been there. A hectic day, a frazzled child, and a home that feels more like a whirlwind than a haven. Enter the magic of relaxing music for kids. Not only can it turn a frown upside down, but it can also help kids with thinking and learning differences focus, unwind, and sleep better. Here, we’ll explore some top picks that can transform your home into a serene sanctuary, making life a little easier for everyone. And, who knows, you might even find yourself humming along!

1. Classical Music: The Timeless Tune

Let’s kick things off with the old faithful of relaxing music – classical. Studies have shown that classical music can reduce stress and anxiety, particularly pieces with a slow tempo. Think Mozart, think Bach. These composers knew a thing or two about creating calming melodies.

When using Goally’s learning tablet, you can easily stream classical music during your child’s downtime. The key is to keep the volume low, creating a peaceful backdrop rather than a distracting noise.

2. Nature Sounds: An Outdoor Orchestra

Who needs a symphony when you have the sounds of nature? The gentle patter of rain, the rustle of leaves, and birds chirping can transport your child to a tranquil forest or a serene beach. It’s like a mini-vacation without leaving the house!

Moreover, nature sounds can also help mask household noise, which is a bonus for kids with sensory sensitivities. You can easily find playlists of nature sounds on most music streaming platforms, perfect for use with Goally’s kid-friendly apps.

relaxing music for kids. a boy is listening to relaxing music for kids.
Read more: What are the Benefits of Listening to Music With My Kid?

3. White Noise: The Sound of Calm

White noise is like the Swiss Army knife of relaxing music for kids. It’s a consistent sound that comes out evenly across all hearable frequencies, helping to drown out other noises and create a stable auditory environment. This can be particularly beneficial for neurodivergent kids who might find sudden sounds disruptive.

With Goally’s apps, you can set a white noise background during sleep or study time. It’s a simple yet effective way to create a calm and consistent soundscape.

4. Lullabies: Not Just for Babies

Lullabies have been soothing kids to sleep for centuries. But they’re not just for babies. Older kids can also find comfort in these familiar, gentle tunes. Plus, many lullaby versions of popular songs add a fun twist to bedtime.

Remember, the goal is not to rush your child to sleep but to create a relaxing pre-sleep routine. So, why not create a lullaby playlist on Goally’s tablet? It could be the perfect end to your child’s day.

5. Instrumental Music: The Power of No Words

Finally, let’s talk about instrumental music. Without lyrics to distract them, kids can focus better on their tasks. This can be especially helpful during homework or other activities requiring concentration.

Try different genres – from instrumental pop covers to soothing piano pieces. With Goally’s learning tablet, your child can explore a world of instrumental music at their fingertips.

Goally kids tablet makes bedtime easy with bedtime routines completely controlled by the parent.

Best ASMR Videos for Kids 👇

Goally has some of the best curated videos for kids (meditation, ASMR, fun) to promote mindfulness and emotional regulation. No ads. No junk. Just learning and regulation.

To sum up, music can be a powerful tool in creating a calming atmosphere for your child. It’s all about finding what works best for your kid. So, why not try out these options and discover your child’s personal soundtrack to serenity? After all, a relaxed child makes for a happier home.

Article by

Emily is a seasoned blog writer for Goally, leveraging her extensive background in child psychology and special education to provide valuable insights and resources for parents. Her commitment to understanding and addressing the unique needs of these children, combined with her expertise in educational strategies, makes her a credible and empathetic voice for families.