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Reward Ideas for Kids

reward ideas for kids

Growing up, you might’ve been reprimanded or even spanked for bad behavior. But as it turns out, punishments and negative reinforcement aren’t the most effective behavior modification tools! Today, there’s encouragement for parents to practice positive reinforcement, which can result in much better behaviors. Not only that, but it increases independence and decreases meltdowns. So who wouldn’t want to practice positive reinforcement? One way to implement positive reinforcement is to reward your kiddos in addition to praising them for getting things done. Stumped on reward ideas? Well, you’re in luck. Below we’ve got some reward ideas for kids that’ll surely help with motivating your little ones!

Small-Sized Reward Ideas for Kids

First, start with small rewards. These should be things your kids can aim for and earn 1 to 2 times per day. This gives them something easier to achieve and motivates them to achieve their goals.

Here are a few ideas that might work for them!

1. Screen Time

Nowadays, most American children get 5 to 7 hours of screen time a day. Too much screen time can cause a number of issues, such as trouble sleeping, attention issues, and obesity. This is why it’s a good idea to limit screen time and only use it as a reward instead of having it be a normal daily thing.

Think about rewarding your kids with 30 minutes of computer time when they finish their homework. Not only will this decrease potential issues, but it’ll also make them value the screen time they get!

2. Playtime

It’s good for your little ones to get exercise, but they should earn that time outside. Playing before completing tasks can tire them out and make them drag their feet even more.

Having them check things off their to-do list before playtime can make them feel more accomplished and treasure fun time even more.

3. Extra Outside Time

As an added incentive, consider extra outside time as a reward as well. This is great for children who are more consistent in earning rewards, as they’ll want something in addition to regular playtime.

one of the reward ideas for kids, two children getting extra time to play outside
Read more: Free Printable Behavior Chart

4. Pick a Dessert for the Family

Everyone has their favorite desserts, so to make it fair, you probably put them on a rotation so every family member is happy. But little Timmy can get an extra night of chocolate ice cream if he works for it!

Children like to have some control, especially as they get older. So this prize can be an outstanding motivator.

Medium-Sized Reward Ideas for Kids

Next, you should think about medium rewards. Kids should be able to earn these 1 to 2 times per week, which makes the rewards somewhat special treats, but not rare. Use the below ideas as inspiration for motivating kids!

1. Watch a Movie

Watching movies is excellent for bonding. It can even be an educational experience if you pick the right films! Make sure they earn movie nights, don’t automatically give them. By attaching tasks to movies, you’ll see your kiddos automatically finish what they need to do.

2. Trip to Favorite Store

Note that a trip to your child’s favorite store doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll get to purchase something. Instead, a trip to Target together can be a fun experience where they see how Mommy does her groceries.

3. Make Cookies

Dessert and bonding time? Your little ones will definitely want to save up for this prize! When there’s the allure of licking a spatula, you’ll see your children checking off tasks quickly.

a young girl redeeming one of the reward ideas for kids and making cookies with her dad
Read more: Physical Development in Early Childhood | Parents Guide

4. Reward Ideas for Kids | Trip to the Park

This is another way for you and your kiddos to bond. Get some fresh air, stretch your legs, and have fun exploring the park. If your kids have siblings, then make sure this reward is just for the child who’s earned it. That way, it’ll feel more special.

5. Have Mom Do a Chore for Me

Your children won’t be able to resist saving up points to have you do the chore instead of them! This reward can be a huge motivator since they’ll get to see you performing a task they’d normally have to do, and they’ll revel in it.

Goally's built in token board reward system shown on a blue Goally device. Our reward chart app has pictures to help kids with nonverbal autism, or childhood apraxia of speech

Large-Sized Reward Ideas for Kids

Large rewards should be things your children can earn 2 times a month. The rewards here will depend on your kiddos’ ages, but here are some ideas.

1. Get a New Toy

Once your kids have saved up enough points, treat them to a toy they’ve been eyeing. Set a cap on the price based on your budget, especially if you don’t want to end up spoiling your little ones.

2. Trip to the Arcade

Help your kids burn off extra energy by setting a trip to the arcade as a prize. They’ll be stoked to spend hours playing their favorite games!

A young child demonstrates brushing teeth on the best tablet for kids by Goally, highlighting a kid-friendly interface.

Goally | Apps That Build Behavior & Life Skills for Kids

Want to keep your child motivated while building essential behavior and life skills? Goally’s skill-building tablet is designed to celebrate small wins and help your child grow.

Our Behavior Tracker helps you reward your kiddo for specific skills, like “being kind” or “flushing the toilet.”

By setting clear expectations and rewarding their efforts, you foster a positive environment for your child to flourish in their behavioral skills journey.

The hall monitor penguin uses apps for ABA Therapy that help at home as well as in the clinic.

In conclusion, positive reinforcement is a powerful tool for motivating and shaping children’s behavior. By incorporating reward ideas for kids, you can create a system that encourages and reinforces positive actions. Small-sized rewards like screen time or playtime can be earned daily, while medium-sized rewards such as movie nights or trips to the favorite store can be achieved weekly. For larger achievements, consider rewards like getting a new toy or a trip to the arcade. By implementing a variety of rewards at different levels, you can keep your children motivated, engaged, and excited to accomplish their goals. So, get creative, establish a reward system, and watch your kids thrive with these exciting incentives!

FAQ’s About Reward Ideas for Kids

What are some effective reward ideas for kids?
Stickers, extra playtime, choice of dinner, or a special outing can be great rewards for kids.

How can rewards help in my child's growth?
Rewards can motivate kids to learn new skills, improve behavior, and build self-confidence.

Are rewards always materialistic?
No, rewards can also be privileges, praise, or quality time spent together.

How often should I reward my child?
It's best to reward your child immediately after the desired behavior to reinforce its positive impact.

Can rewards spoil my child?
No, if used appropriately, rewards can be a powerful tool for positive reinforcement without spoiling your child.

This post was originally published on 03/02/2022. It was updated on 02/09/2024.

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